I have a broken tooth thats all the wway to the gums. Its swallen all around it. What antibiotic is goo d for the infection I think is there?
What antibiotic is good for tooth infection?
Question posted by dmohr1963 on 19 Nov 2011
Last updated on 20 June 2017
5 Answers
Doxycycline is best.
I am very grateful for your message. As I am allergic to a lot of antibiotics. So Doxycycline Oxyteticycline will be one of the ones that I can actually take. So thank you SHEsevEN4
thanks a lot.,God Bless You. !
500 mg pennicyln if you are in pain I have an antidote for pain cheep not addictive childrens liquid motrin put it in the broken tooth and gums instant pain relief
Hey Jaime, wow you sound like a pro. Hope you haven't had to do that often. Good answer. Patti
Liquid children's ibuprofen has a lot of sugar in it and would hurt a broken tooth.
Amoxicillin will also help, as will swishing often with warm salty wat and the over the counter mouth rinse called Biotene. It is available at mass retail stores and drug stores. Do see the dentist as soon as you can (Monday?) as abscessed teeth can actually make you quite sick if you let it go very long. Hope you get better soon, patti
Doxycycline, I had a tooth injection and was prescribed this med., however please do talk to your dentist too.
Take care, best wishes!
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infections, tooth infection, antibiotics
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