... caused by long term use of Wellbutrin. Will stopping the drug raise my white cells back to normal levels or is the leukopenia a constant now?
I have been on Wellbutrin for several years; 450mg per day. I have developed leukopenia which can be
Question posted by nikki54 on 24 March 2013
Last updated on 5 May 2013 by OnlineHelp
4 Answers
I have been on Wellbutrin 450mg XL for a long time. About a week ago I noticed a numb spot on the tip of my tounge. When I looked I found a tiny micro white spot. This spot also left a creamy white residue almost like Chapstick getting stuck to the tounge. I didn't feel it the day after. But since it has twice returned only for the spot to become larger and always accompanied by the numb feeling which frankly freaks me out. I started to do an online search which was scary as I found so much info. I think what u have matches my symptoms pretty close, except for the numb feeling?! I am going to make an appointment with a nose, ear and throat doctor and mention my concerns. My psychiatrist doesn't really listen when I worry about side affects and I don't think my family doctor is the right doctor for this issue either. Please let me know the outcome of your situation and which kind of doctor u consulted. My biggest paranoia is to end up with mouth cancer at age 37.
I was on Wellbutrin for almost a year when all of a sudden I started experiencing extreme joint pain. Went to the ER (the pain was that bad - couldn't wait for the doctor's office to open on Monday, the next day) and they did blood tests, etc. I was found to be neutropenic, which truly scared me because I know that your neutrophils are key infection fighters. The doctors at the ER couldn't figure out WHY I had neutropenia, joint pain, and fatigue. They checked all kinds of things before sending me home and telling me to follow up w/my Dr. My Dr. never figured out what was happening. I wondered if it was the bupropion, but my Dr. dismissed that concern. Since then I quit taking wellbutrin for a couple of years (lost my insurance, then as soon as I got insurance again I found out I was pregnant), but I've been taking it again for a little over a year - since I had my baby, to prevent postpartum depression.
I've thought about having my white blood cell count checked just in case it was the wellbutrin, and reading about you becoming leukopenic due to wellbutrin has made me determined to keep an eye on my wbc count. Is this a relatively common side effect or is it rare? Btw - my wbc count was completely normal during the time I was off Wellbutrin.
If you do get it checked again, please let me know what you find out. Do you know why your doctor dismissed the wellbutrin and neutrophinia connection? I started out with my lymphocytes being low but white cell normal; then that changed to lymphocytes being normal but the white cell count low. I am seeing an oncologist who is monitoring my levels before doing a bone marrow test. If it is the wellbutrin, I sure don't want to go through a needless and painful procedure as the bone marrow extraction.
Yes, I'll post it or something. I am going to make an appointment with my doctor on Monday to get labs done. I know my last wbc count was 7.something -which is really good-, that was in August. I'd been taking Wellbutrin since April, not yet long enough for the same problem to start again - if it holds to the pattern. Honestly, I don't have a good doctor. He didn't even refer me to a hematologist or oncologist. He decided that I had iron-deficiency anemia because I was fatigued and my blood count was low. I was stunned he didn't seem to know the difference between white and red blood cell issues. Most of the time I go in his office, tell him what's wrong w/me, and then tell him which meds I need. It's mostly worked, just had that issue that resolved itself when I quit taking wellbutrin. I do know that I will have to get a better doctor one day!
As Pledge says, production should return to normal after discontinuing the Wellbutrin. May I ask how long you have been taking at this dosage?
I have been on the Wellbutrin [450mg] for about 6yrs. I started it on the advice from my doctor for the treatment of fibromyalgia pain by increasing serotonin levels. There is supposedly a link between fibro/serotonin. I read an article that stated Wellbutrin can lower white cells but can't find anything on the pharmaceutical site. That's why I was wondering if anyone else has had the same problem; sounds like they have.
Umm, while there might be a link between serotonin levels and fibro, Wellbutrin primarily acts on dopamine and norepinephrine. If it is the culprit, there are much better choices for fibro and serotonin.
Hello nikki54. I believe that the white cell count will go back to normal levels. However, I am not a doctor. Best of wishes along with good health to you, ple4dge
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Further information
- Wellbutrin uses and safety info
- Wellbutrin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Wellbutrin (detailed)
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