I have cervical and lumbar disk damage, afflicted area muscle tightness and spasm , both areas are pre-existing conditions and can cause pain, stiffness and headache, looking for reasonable intensity non-internal solution for afflicted area only relief?
Are there topical gel or cream Rx for muscle relaxation?
Question posted by ArtificerONE on 28 April 2022
Last updated on 28 April 2022 by Lisa01
There are numerous tropicals you can choose from. Therma Care has a "patch" that heats up when it is opened and exposed to air. They're good and will last at least 10 hrs. It's self- adhesive so you can apply it and not constantly have to adjust it. Icy Hot is a topical cream/ gel that you rub into the affected area. If you prefer more of a cooling sensation you could try Bio- Freeze. This is used by a great many physical therapists, but is now available in most drug stores. Sometimes just laying down for a bit with a heating pad will do the trick. There are also several exercises that a physical therapist can show you that will help stretch and strengthen the muscles in your neck/ back. If your dr will help you set up a couple of sessions to help learn the exercises, most insurance companies will cover the cost of PT for a certain amount of sessions (minus your co- pay). I have pretty severe arthritis in my neck and spine and the exercises my therapist taught me have been invaluable. I hope you find an option that works for you!
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headache, muscle spasm, pain, herniated disc, muscle, cream, hernia, relaxation, topical, gel
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