I was taking Teva .5 mg back in 2012 then was switched to Qualitest who’s was kinda weak then to Actavis but now I am going back on Teva due to Actavis being indefinitely discontinued after Teva’s acquisition of Actavis pharmaceuticals. Wondering if anyone currently takes the Teva clonazepam and what do you think of it has it changed. Does it work well and how does it compare to other generics.
Is TEVA brand clonazepam still a good brand?
Question posted by Anonymous on 13 May 2018
Last updated on 20 February 2024
40 Answers
The Teva brand is horrible. I had no problems with the old Teva. Since I started taking the new formulation back in 2020, I have not felt well. I was even trying to taper and couldn’t.
This past year in 2023 I started feeling really bad and realized the batches were not consistent.
I started getting nausea, itching, increased anxiety the last 6 months.
The brand H2 Pharma is very expensive and is similar to Roche of which I have. I have tried that and it is too strong and short acting.
Haven't tried Accord or Solco, but don’t want to.
You may have developed a paradoxical reaction. If that's the case it may be time to switch benzos or think about getting off. Lorazepam is often good for getting off slowly with its long half-life.
TEVA is awful. I mostly use my 1 mg Clonazepam to help me sleep. The green TEVA pill, does NOTHING for me. Brand new RX of sixty - wasted, pretty much.
I know this was posted years ago but I created this account to share my answer: the ones I am getting are not good, no score down the middle, a weird off- green. I took this med for YEARS. I am actually unsure if I got the teva brand years ago.
What I will say is that for about a year, in 2021, I began receiving Accord and it helped with sleep. No euphoric effects, just helped me sleep. Then all of a sudden a few months back they stopped making them, and I figured I'd finish my Accord.
I recently went on a trip and had to come home early due to the withdrawal. I left the Accord at home and only took the Teva. Mind you over the past few months I had been taking a little of both to kind of adjust myself. On the trip I was having sweats, couldn't sleep, peeing every 5 minutes, puking, diarrhea and I may have been able to deal with it if it weren't for the awful anxiety and looming fear of seizures. I don't know what's in these. I would love if an independent, non-biased pharmaceutical company could do some research, but these are the equivalent of sugar pills, imo.
For legal purposes I will say this is my own experience but there were a heck of a lot of coincidences. The worst part is I can't get any other brand and don't know what to do?
I take Klonopin for a severe case of tinnitus. I had great success with this treatment until Teva made Klonopin. This brand Klonopin is just awful. It makes me feel sick. I cry for no reason and it’s just a terrible brand. Currently there is no other brand on the market - that is truly disturbing to me. I have tried other types of drugs for my condition and they are too strong. I cannot believe this is happening. Teva Klonopin is just the worst thing to happen to me.
It worked wonderfully years ago. Not any more. It’s scary how they can just change the formula of these meds that so many of us truly depend on to live a day to day life!!! I don’t care what anyone says, not all generics are created equal!
While I definitely agree that not all generics are created equal (and each individual's body chemistry can react differently to reformulations), the current 1mg Teva Klonopin/clonazepam seems just the same as the Teva I was taking 20 years ago, minus the score in the middle (and it's easy to break pretty well without it). It works just as well (and just as well as the brand name version that I took initially). I'm glad it's available. BTW, when they reintroduced clonazepam after people petitioned them to bring it back, Teva told me the formula was unchanged. They did switch the site of manufacture from Israel to their plant in the Czech Republic.
I agree. These generics have changed for the worse. Teva was good for me with the old formula and even the new but the strength went down. Other generics such as sandoz stopped making them. Now as of 10/1/2023 CVS is no longer carrying the TEVA clonazepam only Qualitist with the V logo. This is what the pharmacist told me. Also the Teva brand is in shortage among others. I don't know what to do at this point. Should I try Brand name if the insurance will cover it and the doc will do their f***n job to help patients who hate this med but need it.
I discontinued using Teva because it was ineffective. The only generic that works for me is Accord which was what Duane Reade sold. Then they got a better deal on Teva so I special ordered Accord but just bought out the last of it and now all they have is Teva. The brand Klonopin is still made but not as effective as Accord. Tried it last night for sleep which is what I use it for and only had one hour then awoke. So we're stuck with Teva as the best out there. Everyone is different. For some Teva is the best. I find it weak. This is a dilemma because I don't like increasing the dose, but 0.5 is a low dose and going to 1 mg would not be a big deal. I take 1 1/4 mg each night, and that's still a low dose. It comes in 0.5mg, 1mg and 2mg. 0.5mg is practically nothing. If it works not as well, you could be at tolerance and need to get it out of your system for a couple of days and then it would be effective until you adjust again. There's no one size fits all.
NO, its crap. It doesn't work at all. It gave me headaches and upset stomach. It's like taking nothing. The only one that works for me is Accord.
I agree Teva is awful but Sandoz stopped making it which worked great for me and I was able to take less and feel leveled. I have allergies to many inactive ingredients so the others are not optional for me. So I take Teva yuck!
I have been on clonazepam for many years most of my life and teva is far way better then even the brand name I'm glad teva is back the rest of the brands were horrible
Agree. I called Accord. They might be making Klonopin in October. We need to tell the pharmacies that we want accord. I think it was an oversight issue.
It’s April 2023, and the original TEVA clonazepam is the only anxiety medication that’s worked for me without additional side effects. I was so glad that they brought back the original formula, because the changeover was a nightmare of side effects and not very effective. However, with the refills I got this year things are feeling a little bit off
again. It doesn’t seem to be as effective in controlling my anxiety. I am wondering if they have changed the formula again?? Original TEVA has worked very well, as smooth as you could ever hope for in an anti-anxiety medication. Some of the others brands, and I don’t quite remember all of them now (but I do specifically remember Lexapro), definitely gave me physical/neurological side effects.
Teva isn't the same as it used to be, least that is what my Pharmacist said after the company stopped making it, and then brought back again. I don't take it, might have to seeming Accord isn't available right now an the company isn't sure when the FDA will approve the sale of it. I don't want to take Solco
I think that the people saying that the new teva are bad are just trying to be different than the rest. Accord was complete garbage. It's made in China. Yuck. The teva are as perfect as klonopin can get. Ive been on clonazepam (way better than Xanax but that's another story) , since 2001, I've had them all and the only thing I agree with is they Sandoz was a good generic which they really were good.
But I really can't see how anyone would really believe that the best manufacturer of clonazepam EVER would start making their five star product but with a less effective formula. I could choose from pretty much any generic at any time and I can't think of anything that would make me fill for something other than teva. I had one rx of the name brand many years ago. I don't remember how good they were, I just remember paying so much money that I would never buy them again. Especially with teva for free!
I think the only difference being that teva is in America now where we used to get teva from Israel.
I've been on Klonopin for over 10 years now. For many years I had issues with generics though I don't remember the brands off hand. I switched to name brand Klonopin and it worked great! 1mg twice a day. Recently I switched back to generics and mine work great! I saw the post about TEVA bringing back the little Green 1mg tablets with the 833 on the back. Was that an old formula? I just had my prescription refilled a few days ago and it's ALWAYS the same: Little round green pills with an 833 on the back; the manufacturer being TEVA.
So I'm wondering why people are asking for them to come back when, clearly, they haven't gone away at all?
Noticed the date on your post is 2018. Over 2 yrs ago.
Dear heavens I pray Teva is back, and with Gabapentin capsules, too. But sure it isn't.
My only 2 Rxs, the name brand was all that was around when my seizure disorder started, and self employed, (divorced soon as I was sick) worked overtime for yrs to pay for it. Finally generics. Teva was THE best in both. For me.
If you are getting some left at pharmacy from an old stock, enjoy while they last. Go in now and ask all your refills be done in it.
If Teva is back, a blessing for a lot of us.
Fortunately for me, Cipla gabapentin and Actavis clonazepam work about 85% as well.
Though 100% as was with Teva ...
But afraid Teva clonazepam, and other Rxs, GONE. Forever.
Tantoes, thankfully Teva did indeed resume making generic Klonopin a while ago (as confirmed in an email response Teva sent me). It is what my area CVS has been dispensing for at least 6 months now.
My pharmacy just got the Teva .5mg for me today. I had them exchange for the Accord brand with no problem. I had previously asked not to use Accord. Hope it works well.
I take 0.25-0.5 mg at bedtime for early morning insomnia/anxiety. For me Accord works more reliably than Teva (yellow), which sometimes seems to have no effect at all, so I'm surprised by the opposite experiences reported here by others. I think maybe we all need to take a deep breath and not get so worked up about what could be random variation, effects of other inputs (diet, stress, alcohol, ... ), and need for dosage increase. That's what I'm gonna do, anyway.
Very insightful comment, markesharp! People tend to forget that every individual is going to respond differently because of their own internal makeup which is usually influenced by outside factors as you suggest.
That's why my pat answer is always the best medication for you is the one that works for you and you alone... no matter who the manufacturer is.
Another thing for people to consider is that the medication becomes ineffective quickly and requires higher dosages as you become habituated.
Just joined to specifically answer this question lol. I know it’s very old but I noticed it had last been updated 5 days ago so I said what the heck.
Anyway, IMO Teva hands down makes the best generic Clonazepam. Tevas Clonazepam is just as good as brand name IF NOT better even. After many phone calls, letters and emails to Teva pharmaceuticals HQ they finally listened to us patients. I believe they rereleased their formula of Clonazepam late 2018 or early 2019, but only the 0.5mg and 1mg formulations. They said that the 2mgs will be manufactured they just don’t have a date as to when yet.
However, since then they have released their 2mg formula as well within the last year. YAYYYYY lmao. Anyway, in my opinion and experience I’d say my favorite Clonazepam generics go like this; in order from first being the best and last being the worst.
1. Teva
2. Is a tie between Solco/Qualitest And Sandoz.
3.Actavis ( Some ppl despise it I don’t mind them )
4. Accord
5. Mylan ( STRAIGHT GARBAGE in my opinion)
I may be forgetting a few others but those are what majority of the pharmacies around me have ( actually haven’t seen mylan in years) I heard a rumor they got discontinued but who knows.
Also these were my list for the regular Clonazepam tabs. Obviously I didn’t name any generic manufacturers that produce ODT(orally disintegrating tabs) Clonazepam. Because as I’m sure the majority of you know the orally disintegrating tabs have a bunch of different generic manufacturers compared to the regular clonazepam tabs. Such as, Sun Pharma, Barr pharma etc. just to name a couple.
Anyway sorry if I wasted anyone’s times but I thought I’d chip in. I’ve been lurking around this site for nearly two decades and never contributed lol, so I said screw it why not now? Lol. Also idk how this works and if I’ll get notified or anything if you guys reply to me, but feel free to ask me anything y’all like. I was a pharmacy tech for quite some time, and I also went to nursing school to be an RN. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there, including myself! Lol and I hope all of you have a wonderful day! God bless!!
Edit: Just so y’all know, I’m Rxd 1mg Clonazepam twice a day from my psychiatrist and my pharmacy carries the Teva and Accord generics. Obviously I fill with Teva every month... lol; I hope that was allowed, I just wanted y’all to know what I’m Rxd myself so y’all don’t feel left or anything I guess... I’m an open book and got nothing to hide! God bless!! Enjoy your day folks!
Sandoz worked for me like a charm for many years i was even able to cut down.
then they stopped making it forcing me to go on the reintroduced teva which has been a nightmare for me since last year. Forget about all the other generics they dont work. Brand also acts like teva on me. I tried to reach out to sandoz to bring it back like teva did but they just dont care. I am glad it worked out for you. God bless you as the majority of us still suffer in silence. Regards, Barb
I have been on Activis for many years. I was switched to Teva because Activis is no longer available. Teva is weaker so is the one with the C2 imprint. I was just switched to Solco. I’m praying it works because my insurance won’t pay for the Klonopin brand.
I was taking Accord brand clonazepam for about 3 mos. I didn't know why I wasn't getting any relief. I personally believe that the Accord brand is a sugar pill or it just didn't work with my system. I was using a larger pharmacy and asked them if they were able to order Teva brand for me and they said I had to get what they have. So by this point I was climbing the walls. Needless to say I switched to a little mom and pop pharmacy and they ordered Teva right away. Had it filled the next day. Been fine ever since.
Go on Accord website and look at the ratings!
Educate yourself! Wishing everyone best of luck.
Teva is the best generic brand on the market if you can get it. All the other ones did not work for me. I finally found a small independent drugstore that can order the Teva 0.5 mg. It truly saved my life I was having panic attacks for over two months I thought I was dying. It took me a long time to find a small independent drugstore but I did and I’m 100% back to my normal self. If you have any other questions I would gladly answer them.
Hi Franny. I've been taking clonazepam daily for almost 5 years now. I went through a few generics never really being that worried as they continued to do the job. Until they started giving me orange Accords.
Id say I've been on them for 2-3 months when I started feeling anxiety creeping back in and then full-blown attacks. I was frustrated and thought that maybe my dosage just wasn't enough anymore (a fear that I've always had, having to go up in dosage and the trouble that can bring) and started doing some research and found many threads and complaints about Accords just simply not working for people.
I got in to see my p-doc and luckily my pharmacy carries TEVA along with Accord and they wrote me a scrip to change them out. I took my first TEVA today and I'm feeling a little dopey, just reminds me of when I started clonazepam so its more of a comforting dopey because I can feel it doing something.
It was comforting to see the poster in the original comment have almost the same exact experience with the Accords as me.
Cheers you guys.
Yea I just got Teva filled last week there still making them I presume.mine are green 1 mg.
How are you doing on the 1mgs... Do they do the job still... People are saying that the formula has changed...
I’m taking the .5mg clonazepam (yellow, scored pill). Just started it and so far it’s working well. I’m currently taking .5mg2x/ day. I am also building up on Prozac 20mg.
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paracetamol teva, anxiety, seizure prevention, clonazepam, seizure prophylaxis, discontinued, brand, actavis, qualitest
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