I started taking clonazepam when I had a depression April 2017. I have OCD. I was taking 0.5mg in the morning and 0.5 mg in the evening . I slowly tapered it. By March 2018 I was on 0.25 mg daily . I stopped taking but after two week I feel high anxiety. Since I was traveling I continued to take 0.25 mg daily again. I became OK again
Two months back I decided to taper it to half i.e. 0.125 mg. But after 2 weeks I returned back to 0.25mg. After a week I reduced it to 3/4th of 0.125mg And I was OK. After a month I reduced again to 0.125mg.
Now I am on week 3 . Suddenly I am getting anxiety spikes. The day before I took some wine (small quantity). I am taking wine after 5 or 6 months.
Can 0.125 mg lead to withdrawal? Or is this general anxiety popping up. But I don't see a change in my environment to be anxious.
Now I am really like a depression state with flu like body with no energy.
It's likely that even at small doses you will develop a tolerance if there is consistency in your dosing. When my husband was withdrawing from Klonopin, he actually shaved the pill each week to really control the taper and allow the body to readjust... slower is best. Some supplements that we've found helpful for anxiety and adrenal stress have been ashwaganda, phosphatydal serine. You just have to research whether they are contraindicated with any current meds or other conditions which you may have. Always good to consult a naturopathic or functional MD to help you navigate other safe options to help you feel better as your body adapts to the discontinuation if these awful meds.