My doctor started tapering me off of clonazepam 2 weeks ago. I had only been taking it about 6 months, .5mg 2x a day. He had me cut one of those doses in half only. I figured it wouldn't be a big deal, but oh my god, the symptoms. It's not anxiety, but a whole host of physical symptoms I wasn't expecting after being on such a low dose for such a short time, and only reducing it by .25 mg a day. I'm itchy from head to toe, my skin is breaking out with acne (not even just my face, but my entire body) way worse than even when I was a teenager, and I have swelling in my ankles and feet (which I've never experienced before). While my anxiety is not at panic levels (it was, after losing my dad, which is what got me started on this hellish drug in the first place), I am by nature an anxious person, and so even though the doctor tells me all of these symptoms are probably just from the tiny reduction in my clonazepam dose, it's hard to not freak out. And of course, the internet assures me it's kidney failure or liver failure or cancer or lupus, or something equally terrifying. The acne I can deal with, that doesn't worry me overly much, but the swelling in my legs and the itching are scary, not to mention make me miserable just about every second of the day--especially the itching. I've ruled out environmental factors, tried Benadryl and lots of lotion, drinking lots of water, etc, because supposedly clonazepam withdrawal can cause dehydration, but have seen no difference. So... those of you who have tapered off this med, is this really normal? I feel like this is an insane amount of side effects for what seems like such an insignificantly small change in meds that I wasn't even on for that long, and my doctor's lack of concern about everything else is making my anxiety go through the roof, convinced I'm dying of something they won't bother to investigate. Should I push for further testing? Get a second opinion? Is this normal and I just need to ride it out? I don't know what to do, but I'm miserable right now
Benzodiazepine withdrawal - Itching and leg edema normal?
Question posted by Anonymous on 23 Sep 2016
Last updated on 26 June 2023 by Ellelia
9 Answers
I experienced these exact same withdrawal symptoms on a very small dose. It was crazy so I went back on it and tapered off more slowly. It’s taking me 2 years to taper off slowly but it’s best to never start these drugs. They are addictive, and most doctors don’t know. They are hell!! I wish my doc never gave me these. Do your research before you start any meds. When I looked it up, they said benzos are one of the most addictive drugs!
I've been off .05 klonopin 2x daily for one week, after a 6 week taper, and I DEF have "creepy crawly" feeling on my leg, only the left. Also have horrendous itching. This is horrible! If anyone wonders why I came off SO fast... my NP told me to cut my afternoon dose in HALF (rather than by a quarter at a time ) then one
week later do the same with the PM dose. Got SO sick. I left that facility because I can't trust them.
Its amazing how little docs know. Both my psyche and pharmacist said I shouldn't have any problems weening from 1mg by cutting it in half because its a "low dose"
Yet 1mg of klonopin is equal to about 20 of valium... how is THAT a low dose?!
It’s taken me nearly a year to taper off 2mg of clonazepam aday. Was put on this poison by a neurologist 4 years ago for essential tremors. Started at .5 mg aday then by year 3 it was up to 2mg aday due to tolerance. My skin burns like a sunburn with little red pen point type pimples. Lower my dose gets the worse I burn and itch. Google benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome. This is a horrible medication and in my opinion should be taken off the market. I never abused it and always took it as prescribed and no doctor ever worn to me at the serious side effects of it.
Since Teva discontinued their clonazepam, I have been trying to find a brand that works with my hyper sensitive body chemistry. I am so grateful to have found this forum Because everyone thinks that I’m the only person that sensitive to things. I have tried at least four different versions and they either make me feel sedated and now with the brand-name drug I keep itching because everyone thinks that I’m the only person that sensitive to things. I have tried at least four different versions and they either make me feel sedated and now with the brand-name drug I keep itching. I think that some of the generics were lower in dosage as far as what is inside of them? I have read about this. But the itching for me happens after I take it and I have a slight tremor when I hold my teeth together. At this point, it feels as though the nerves inside my teeth are vibrating.
I have taken Zantac (works as antihistamine)!three times in the last few weeks but it makes my blood pressure go down even more than it already is. If I have to tolerate the slight tremor until I can somehow taper off these if that is even possible… but the itching is intolerable. I was first given this medication for about two or three weeks when another doctor had diagnosed me incorrectly and gave me Prozac which put me into overdose symptoms. I had a thyroid issue and no one where I live could diagnose it. Finally found a doctor elsewhere and he only allowed me to have clonazepam for a few weeks as I said previously. After my husband left me, I called the only other doctor I had because the one I had had in the other city had moved away. The nurse practitioner gave me this and did not tell me of the ramifications of taking it for more than two or three weeks. The Teva version worked so well that I never had any side effects. Now that I have had to try all of these different versions of the drug it has been a nightmare. I think that I have had withdrawal symptoms from some or all of them. Every time I mention that I want to get off of these and see how long I’ve been on them which is 17 years now… Everyone looks at me like I am crazy to think that I can do it. I never realized how bad this drug is because it helped me so much. But now I feel as if I am in hell and even the doctor doesn’t know how to deal with that. If the doctor I had many years ago was still in this state I wouldn’t hesitate to go to him because I know he could help me. Unfortunately, everything used to be natural and now everyone is going back to natural which is a good thing. But we all seem to be caught up in the time when drugs were just thrown at us. If that manufacturer had not discontinued their brand, I would not be having these issues nor would I know what the truth is. So as they say there is always some good comes out of the bed. I always research things but really thought the doctors office knew what they were doing and they never told me. I do not know how to deal with this. There’s one more undyed version we are going to try but I think that I may still have the same symptoms. I would think the brand name would be stronger which is not what I prefer but I wouldn’t think it would be causing me all these symptoms. Before this, I was tapering back with the Teva I do not know how to deal with this. There’s one more undyed version we are going to try but I think that I may still have the same symptoms. I would think the brand-name would be stronger which is not what I prefer but I wouldn’t think it would be causing me all the symptoms. Before this, I was tapering back with the Teva And one night took the two doses too close together and the next morning woke up dizzy. I now know that it must’ve been withdrawal symptoms but no one can tell me that. I don’t understand the doctors who cannot figure anything out.
I'm in the sane boat as you Hannah. Teva 1 mg was working wonders for me and I was able to get a decent job. When they switched to actavis brand I had withdrawal symptoms and I didnt even know what was happening. Put me in the ER 4 times!!!
I've been suffering from insomnia and on leave from work all because I can't find a generic that works!! If this continues I'm going to lose my job!
I called my doctor today about klonopin wafers which are made by teva. Ill let you know if those work (they have close to the same ingredients as the regular teva more so than the other generics).
I just want some sleep and want my life back... then and only then will I start a taper
Hey are you still on here I’m now reducing 1 mg lorazepam at night after 8 week period . Could you help in any way I’m now down to .7 mg and getting itching crawling feeling started on my legs and working it’s way up in my head face now legs seem to have calmed
Yes, absolutely, you can have extreme itching when you are taking low-dose benzos intermittently and/or tapering off.b My itching was so bad that it was hard to function. No, I didn't have any swelling. With some of my health issues, sometimes I cave in & take just a third or a quarter of a 0.5 tablet of clonazepam. My health condition does not allow me to take any other medicine for anxiety, so my doctor gave it to me as a precaution, so I wouldn't wind up in an emergency room with full-blown panic. But I've come to realize that I'm super sensitive to all meds, so this tiny amount that I might take 1x a day, can send me down the withdrawal path. You might try 5-10mg of liquid Claritin for the itching. It also helps the anxiety. I've read that Hydroxyzine is another medication that is sometimes used for anxiety & acts quickly; however, it's not habit-forming nor does it cause withdrawal. It's also suppose to act as an antihistamine.
I was on alprazolam for 11 years then my dr took me of it without finishing weaning me off she gave me clonazepam n now im getting acne cant breathe tremors agitation anxiety is worse my panic attacks are worse i itch i feel like im dying i have blurred vision i just feel like crap all over my skins on fire i dont know what to do. My dr isnt listening to me how bad i feel is this all normal. Cause my heart feels like its pounding out of my chest.
I have had an extreme reaction to klonopin withdrawals. The main issues for me are extreme fatigue, depression, crying spells, memory loss, phantom itching all over my body, hot and cold flashes, and insomnia. I had a terrible experience, being on klonopin for about a year and then after 10 months was prescribed celexa, which I had very rare and extreme side effects to. My doctor yanked me off celexa for only a 3 day taper, and I decided a couple weeks after that to quit klonopin as well due to the dependency concerns. This is by far the worst I’ve ever felt in my life but I know once I am completely free of all the drugs my body will return to a normal functioning state and I will use other methods of controlling my anxiety, such as meditation, yoga, prayer etc.
I have had a terrible time with almost all medications prescribed to me, my body is very sensitive and I’ve had reactions so bad that I’m afraid of taking anything beyond ibuprofen.
Reading the endless articles online about side effects and withdrawals have only reinforced that to me that most people have a difficult time getting away from these medications. Long term use of the drug is far worse than a few weeks of withdrawal symptoms. I read that using benzodiazepines long term can cause dementia, and that is enough for me to face anxiety head on.
I hope by now you’re feeling better and don’t return to using these drugs. It’s scary and lonely feeling so ill, no one deserves that kind of hell.
Hello everyone and anyone who will benefit from this. 7 years on 4.5mgs of clonazepam a day. I requested to be taken off this drug from my neurologist after it quit working for my Tourette or ticks. I had no idea what was in store for me, I was not cautioned about any problems that could happen. I was given a month taper. After 3 weeks I was experiencing all symptoms. For 3 months different doctors would fluctuate the dosage as the neurologist no longer recognized me as a patient. After 6 months I was reffered to a drug treatment psychiatrist who up my dosage back to 2.5mg a day. Things got better and I was about 80%. This winter came along and I like coffee but knew not to take any caffeine so I started a cup or 2 of decaf a day. Skin slowly became itchy and dry, my face was burning and extremely red. Itching turned into burning, Dr just said it was dry and gave me hydroxyzine for the itch, and to help sleep.
Finally I started to research decaf coffee and found it has caffeine in it, 2 weeks ago I stopped drinking it and caffeine free soda and I am about 95 % now. I would really recommend a journal of medicine quantities, food you eat or drink and days you do it. I have found that my body usually doesn't react to a change until 5 to 10 days have passed. I hope this helps someone and please feel free to ask me anything as I am no 11months since I started my first taper and am on 2.5mgs clonazepam a day. I am just about ready to start tapering again now that I have figured out the burning skin. Have also had a sinus infection this entire time and it is almost gone. I tell everyone I meet about this because most Drs just are not aware and don't know your body like you do. You may be told this is just in your head but that doesn't mean what you are feeling isn't real. God Bless all of you.
Yes I also get swelling in my legs and I have came off Lorazepam completely now for 4 months and I get swelling in my stomach also it's horrible my legs feel like lead me tingle and it's bad so it is a withdrawal symptom
Janice; Sorry you're having so many problems with it. But normally this is the right way of coming off is dropping about .25 at a time, And should not be affecting you this bad. You should talk to the doctor tomorrow if you are still having these problems. Sounds like it could still be a couple things you still need the medication, And part of this is the anxiety too. Or is there any chance you have changed anything else like lotion's soap, laundry soap. new close etc. Or eating something your not normally eating. IF you are doing about the same you could call your Pharmacist and ask what you can do while you're waiting to get into the doctor. And have the doctor look at the skin and such. But I just have not seen anyone myself that has had this bad of a reaction from stopping this amount and this fast. Or if it is the same as what you are saying above you may just have to go to an E.r. room. wish I could be of more help.
Hi Janice,
I just completed a 10 month benzodiazepine taper withdrawal program. I as well developed edema although it was relatively minor and did not involve much swelling. However, I experienced incredible periods of itching that became became even more unbearable when I scratched. Your accounts may strengthen the possibility that it is drug withdrawal related. You may find that the acne that you speak of is perhaps not acne but welts that easily appear after scratching episodes. In my case, these welts appeared in areas where water retention was evident and were actually water saturated welts. After a diuretic food program, I lost a lot of water and the itching/scratching episodes disappeared completely. Also, don't discount the onset of dry weather. Hang in there. Sounds like we had the same symptoms in common.
Steven Schwartz. Just wondering how long you were on benzos. I am going through weaning after 20 yrs of being on Xanax. Dr. want weaning process to take 2 mos. Went from .5 twice a day to .5 once a day.
Late comment but because she was only on one mg for the entire day she should not drop more than 5 to 10% every 2 to 4 weeks that would mean that she should have dropped a quarter of a 0.5mg tab which be 0.125 decrease.Dropping .25 is a 25% drop, even 0.125 is a 12 percent drop, which is a huge drop for many...
Late comment but because she was only on one mg for the entire day she should not drop more than 5 to 10% every 2 to 4 weeks that would mean that she should have dropped a quarter of a 0.5mg tab which be 0.125 decrease.Dropping .25 is a 25% drop, even 0.125 is a 12 percent drop, which is a huge drop for many...
NO, she should taper less no more than 5 to 10 percent of her total current dose q 2-4 weeks.
Related topics
anxiety, benzodiazepine withdrawal, pruritus, clonazepam, edema, withdrawal, dosage, doctor, tapering, benzodiazepine
Further information
- Clonazepam uses and safety info
- Clonazepam prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Clonazepam (detailed)
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