If I’ve taken 0.5mg once daily for 3 months. Will I experience withdrawal from suddenly stopping? And if it requires a taper, can someone give me an idea of how to go about doing so?
Does taking 0.5mg clonazepam for 3 months require a taper?
Question posted by Lyntron on 4 Dec 2018
Last updated on 14 December 2018
3 Answers
I would argue yes. The roofer more chronic users is to reduce the amount you take by 10% per week.
Even though you have not used this medication Chronically, a reduction of 10% a week, is, invariably the clinically standard for reduction without experiencing withdrawal from benzodiazepines
The only issue I have with that, is even cutting the pill itself in half is never even. It breaks off all wonky and starts to crumble. I’d never get an accurate percentage :\
Given the dosage and amount of time you took the clonazepam a tapering is probably warranted - just to be on the safe side. I think Pic25's tapering schedule makes a great deal of sense.
Good luck and all the best.
Hi! I have been tapering off of 1mg that I’ve been taking for like 3 months. I was prescribed for anxiety and panic at night and insomnia. I went from 1 mg to .75 for two weeks , then alternated .75 and .5 for 1 week . Now I will do .5 for two weeks, then .25 for 1 week then .25 every other day for 1 week then try to hop off. This was per pharmacist advice. I really wish I never took this every night. But it’s the only thing that helped me get through major insomnia. I have been ok with this taper and have not really had an increase in anxiety . Only a few days. I imagine being on .5 you will have good luck with tapering off. Possibly try alternating .5 and .25 for 1 week, then go to .25 for 2 weeks then .25 every other day for a week? I would ask you doc or pharmacist to be sure! Best wishes to you!! I understand wanting to come off of this!
Related topics
anxiety, benzodiazepine withdrawal, obsessive compulsive disorder, panic disorder, clonazepam, withdrawal, taper
Further information
- Clonazepam uses and safety info
- Clonazepam prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Clonazepam (detailed)
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