I'm worried about having seizures due to withdrawels from Xanax. Please advise.
I am currently taking xanax (2mg a day) can I safely switch to Klonopin?
Question posted by Spotty69 on 30 Oct 2012
Last updated on 7 July 2022
This question has also been asked and answered here: Klonopin vs Xanax - How are they different?
7 Answers
I was on Xanax 2mg x 3 day for 20 plus years & I always felt it made me worse but I could never find a doctor to help me get off of the medicine until one day I did and he put me on Klonopin & Neurontin I also didn’t want to be on ANY BENZO so he tapered me over a year I was on nothing and felt better then I have in twenty years !
old thread I know but How did it go? I am in the same situation. Doc is switching me from 1mg 2x per day of Xanax XR to 1mg of Klonopin 2x a day due to the fact that I have been taking Xanax for so long we suspect tolerance and do not wanna up the dose... Just wondering how you did on the transition...
I am nine days into my switch and was on 3-4mgs of xanax. Doing fine
I also switch after 14 years I started klopin on Sunday and seemed to be fine
I switched from alprazolam to klonipin with no withdrawal at all.You should be fine :)
Hell, I detoxed from Xanax 4-6mg/day prescribed by taking phenobarbital for 5 days. So indeed switching from Xanax to Klonopin should be no issue as I said before but I wanted to mention this because I've been through the seizure risk period.
I had a horrible experience with trying to get off Xanax with the medication u mentioned five days . I was on Xanax twenty 22 years klonopin the doctor used and weaned me from it in one year because I didn’t want to b on anything and feel better then I have in twenty plus years
Klonopin is a very strong anticonvulsant medication and was originally introduced for seizures. Like they said, just work closely with your doctor to switch and express your concern about possible seizures. As long as you've got one of them in your system at the appropriate dosage, you shouldn't have to worry about seizures.
Hello Spotty69. Yes you can. I would suggest a weaning/taper off from the Xanax and a transition at the same time to the Klonopin. A Benzodiazepine is what it is. One short/acting the other long/acting. Your system will adapt simply because the drug in either form is in your metabolizm and recognizes that fact. Not to worry in regards to a seizure. Regards pledge
If your doc does it right you can. You're xanax should be tapered down while you are starting the klonopin.
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klonopin, xanax, seizures, anxiety
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