I got the nasty stuff down with a straw, chased with the next cup of water. Less than 30 minutes, threw it up. Did any have a chance to make it through the stomach, or is it a total loss? Doctor called back, said maybe more got through, so see if any activity... Maybe I drank the water too fast...
Suprep - Threw up 30 minutes after?
Question posted by Karendbme on 10 Aug 2017
Last updated on 8 September 2021
I just had my 5th colonoscopy, and this is the first time I've had any trouble with the prep. In the evening, I chugged the 16 oz prep and sipped 16 ounces of water, and I threw up everything after 1 hour. I thought I had screwed up and wouldn't be allowed to have my procedure. But early in the morning, I sipped the 2nd dose for almost an hour and followed with water over the next hour. Everything stayed down, and I was well cleaned out for the procedure, even though the first does wasn't very effective.
One thing that bothers me about the SUPREP prescription is that the amount of total stuff to drink is independent of body size. I'm 140 lbs and I have to drink as much as someone who weighs 300 lbs. It's not fair, and it's unnecessary. Next time, assuming I live 5 more years, I'm going to sip a half does in the evening and maybe 3/4 dose in the morning. I figure that once I'm as clean as I'm going to get, there's no point in trying to get cleaner, especially if it makes me throw up and not get as clean. It's sort of like self-medication in reverse. If no one is going to even try to tell me how much I need to take, and I know there is a point of diminishing returns (because if it's too much I'll throw it all up anyway), I'm going to try to figure it out for myself. The folks at SUPREP should take body size (weight?) into account when requiring dose size. It's a no brainer - something even I can do.
Everyone's colon is approximately the same size no matter if you weigh 115 pounds or 500.
I had the same thing happen last night, with both preps. It turned out enough stayed with me to work ok, so I was able to have the procedure anyway. Not to be too detailed, but when I arrived they said as long as BMs were watery it was ok. The nurse recommended asking for an anti emetic next time to take during the prep. Hope this helps.
Just follow-up to my original post ;-)
The 1st round was a complete loss. But the 2nd dose I took in the morning I drank more slowly. Disgusting, but it stayed down & was effective.
After my colonoscopy, the doctor said I was completely cleaned out. Maybe next time I'll just take 1 dose!
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bowel preparation, suprep, doctor, stomach
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