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Zanaflex Questions

Displaying 36 questions associated with Zanaflex.

What's the best muscle relaxant available with a prescription? All opinions wanted!

I'm about to start a skeletal muscle relaxant for physical therapy and need your help! Here are a list of skeletal muscle relaxants. Please select the one you have had the best results with and let me know about it! I would appreciate it so much! Thanks in advance! -Carisoprodol (Soma) ... read more

Has anyone experienced hallucinations, like hearing voices while taking Zanaflex?

Is my dosage too high? I have only been on it 6 days, and yesterday I heard voices twice when no one was around. It has totally helped my pain, but I also have eye pressure/pain but it goes as quickly as it comes, but on a daily basis.

Has anyone experienced nightmares from Zanaflex?

I remember taking just 2mg a long time ago and I had the most horrific nightmares that night so never took it again. My doc just prescribed the generic form today and only called it by the generic name so I didn't realize it was Zanaflex until I googled it. A bit afraid to take it! Thanks.

Out of these two medications, what possibly could be causing vivid dreams or nightmares?

Zanaflex or Gabapentin? Take a wild guess, use knowledge, flip a coin, or do eenie meanie miny mo. (That looks spelled incorrectly) I seem to get two hours of sleep and WHAM, some weird dream/nightmare awakens me, so now I have the oh so fun problem of insomnia again! Thank you for any opinions,... read more

Stopping Zanaflex (4mg at night); steps and withdrawal warnings?

Hey all, I've been taking a 4mg dose of Zanaflex before bed for almost 3 months. Recently, I had to miss a dose and had a terrible time -- sleepless nights, anxiety, weird mind stuff, nausea, etc. Freaked me out pretty badly, and I'd like to get off of it. I finally looked up the side... read more

Which is stronger 10mg Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride or 4mg Tizanidine?

I fractured 7 vertebrate recently, then a few days ago, I sprained my ankle. I am on pain meds as well as 4 mg Tizanidine 4x/day. When I first fractured my vertebrate a few months ago they gave me flexoril (10mg's). I am not completely sure if I notice a difference between the two (been on... read more

What are the ingredients in Zanaflex/Tizanidine HCL 4 MG Tablets?

I was told it was a combination of Xanax and Flexeril. I would really like to know because my Dr. recently put me on it.

How does 2mg Zanaflex compare to Soma 350mg?

I have daily headaches - have had them for over 30 years. I also suffer from migraines but Immetrix has taken care of those. My doctor just gave me Zanaflex 2mg. I've taken Soma before as muscle relaxant( for back pain) and wonder, before I start taking the Zanaflex, could someone compare the... read more

Does abruptly stopping Zanaflex usually cause overall body pain or nausea?

I have been on 4mg of Zanaflex nightly for years as a preventative medication for migraines caused by TMJ and neck and shoulder soreness and stiffness. This weekend I ran out and probably cannot get more until Tuesday. I am having intense body pain (I rate it a "20"!) and nausea. No... read more

Is Zanaflex a narcotic and if so how long is it in your system for a pee test?

I'm taking Zanaflex 4mg and i have a drug pee test coming up and i can have no narcotics in my system even ones that are prescribed. is this a narcotic and if so how long in your system.

Tizanidine - Has anyone noticed weight gain while taking zanaflex?

I have been taking 4mg of tizanidine at night since October and have gained 12 lbs or so since then! It is the only thing I can think of that is different. I also take Cymbalta and Tramadol but have been taking those for several years and no weight gain. Thanks!

Are Xanax and Zanaflex the same medication?

Are these the same medication? Thanks!

How long does zanaflex stay in the urine?

Does Cymbalta cause muscle pain?

I take tramadol, gabapentin, lisinopril and Zanaflex. My doctor just added Cymbalta. On day 2 I felt like I had the flu minus the cough and fever. Is this normal?

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