Stopping Zanaflex (4mg at night); steps and withdrawal warnings?
Question posted by g408098 on 26 March 2015
Last updated on 13 July 2023
Hey all,
I've been taking a 4mg dose of Zanaflex before bed for almost 3 months. Recently, I had to miss a dose and had a terrible time -- sleepless nights, anxiety, weird mind stuff, nausea, etc.
Freaked me out pretty badly, and I'd like to get off of it. I finally looked up the side effects and they're pretty terrifying too.
What has been your experience in weaning off of it? Specific steps would be really appreciated (what dosage and for how long), and any other withdrawal tips.
I took Zanaflex for year's and I weened off just fine.I was terrified going into the ween because of all the horror story's I read about weening.It was a very easy ween compared to what I read.I took 8 mgs a day for about 4 year's. When I began my ween I took 4mgs in the AM then cut my 4mgs at night to 2mgs for a week.Then the next week I cut my 4mgs in the Am to 2mgs in the Am and the 2 Mgs in the PM.The next week I cut those in half taking 1 mg AM and 1 mg PM.Next week I cut the AM pill completely out.The next week I cut the PM pill out .Ween was over and I was fine.Don't read too much or it will cause you anxiety going into your ween.Its not as tuff as some say.Just ween with your DR and stay away from the horror stories and you will be just fine.
Votes: +0
25 March 2018
I take 2 by mouth 2-3 x daily n 2-4 at bedtime (max 9 per day) n I have been on this medicine for like 4 years, I would say. I asked to change, try something different because lately I realized how horribly low my BP would get while on it but how high my BP was while not on it. As I take so many other meds I felt trying to change this one first wld be the best. Was I so beyond ever wrong. Within 4 days of taking the new medicine she gave me, my daughter was calling 911 n had to be admitted in hospital. Nightmare!! So I was put back on the Zanaflex because without something I was basically debilitated. I am so still wanting to wean myself off this drug but as much as I take n how worse I am without it, n Im so scared to even try a different medicine cuz of the nightmare trying before, I just feel so stuck about what to do. These side effects, that literally started only like 8 months ago or so, are just so weird since Ive taken Zanaflex for so long.
I hadnt started any new meds, been on the same from the start of the Zanaflex that even my pain management dr just doesnt understand either. Besides the BP issue, I started to get diarrhea every few days, then I got an irregular heartbeat, breaking out all over in these awful rashes (which is all still happening) n of course having to do process of elimination while I was in the hospital was torture. Absolute torture!! I just wish that I could find a replacement so I can get off this Zanaflex once n for all. Anyone ever had this bad of side effects or any suggestions on what else to try? Thanks to anyone who responds to this! :) ~Kristi~
Votes: +1
21 Oct 2017
Tizanidine is horrific to stop. For me, it has been worse than coming off of years of high dose benzodiazepines.
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Sunny Beach 223
14 July 2023
How did you get off of it? What were your withdrawal symptoms?
Mia Lieb
20 May 2017
I am struggling with Zanaflex Withdrawal now. Doctor advised tapering which I am doing . I started with taking it for sleep & escalated to daytime too, about 36 mg total. I am down to 8 mg total in 1&1/2 weeks . I need help stopping as script is my last . Am very anxious & very nauseous . Help is appreciated .
Votes: +0
Sunny Beach 223
14 July 2023
Did you end up coming off of it? Did you taper? How long until The withdrawal symptoms were over?
30 Sep 2015
g408098 I have found many doctors don't believe how hard it is to get off of some of these meds.But a good rule of thumb is to take and try 1/2 the dose and not for a couple of days to do it smoothly you must strech it out like 2 weeks then break the 1/2 tablet to a 1/4 tablet do that for a few weeks then you are normally safe to stop.But we are all different and you first must get the okay from your doctor which you did.The answer you got is crap.They think because it's not a narcotic so you should not have any problems it does not work that way.This is true with many medications we have to go off of.But do it very slow just like you did when you went on it.I find talking to my Nurse is much better they know more about medication then the doctor in alot of cases. So treat your Nurse they way any professional should be treated they are the real workers.
And you can't believe everything you read about a medication many of the side effects have nothing to do with that medication but if it happened to a med. that is related to it they have to put it in the side effects.Many people read to much about the medication then look for all these bad things that are listed I have always said wait and if you think you are having a side effect then look or ask.As we all know the mind can run wild on us.Read about ASPIRIN OR TYLENOL and you would never take it again.In fact if aspirin came out today it is very doubtful that it would be approved by the F.D.A. Chuck1957 Medically retired pharmacy technician Cpht
Votes: +1
30 Sep 2015
Hi all yes I took zanaflex 4 msg for sleep for 2 years and wow it was a nightmare trying to sleep without them. Almost impossible I would taper to 2 msg and then break that in half and do 1 mg every other night and it will go away in about 2 weeks but I still need a little something to sleep like Benadryl or Tylenol pm but while on the zanaflex those things would have never of worked. The zanaflex even started building up in my system and the 4 msg were starting to not be enough to make me fall asleep... I hate this medication . Unless prescribed only 2 msg for a short period of time or monitored closely
Votes: +0
22 June 2015
I'm tapering 4 mg of Zanaflex, I took it for sleep! I'm having an extremely hard time! I have really bad anxiety and nausea! Has anyone ever gone through this! I'm doing a slow taper Thanks
Votes: +0
Sunny Beach 223
14 July 2023
How long did those symptoms last for?
26 March 2015
Thanks for the quick replies -- I really appreciate it.
I just heard back from the doctor and she said because the dosage is so low, there'd be no problem just quitting cold turkey.
I think I sounded concerned because then she said I could taper by taking 2mg for two nights and then stop.
You need to ask your doctor to help you taper off slow which can be done in a week or two. Taper off with the reverse pattern as you started. If you take the capsule form your doctor can switch it to the pills to make it easier.