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Seizure Prophylaxis Questions

Displaying 21 questions associated with Seizure Prophylaxis.

Does topiramate cause weight loss?

What not to take with topiramate?

Can you stop taking Topamax suddenly?

Does topiramate cause hair loss?

How long does Topamax stay in your system?

Is Topamax a controlled substance?

Is TEVA brand clonazepam still a good brand?

I was taking Teva .5 mg back in 2012 then was switched to Qualitest who’s was kinda weak then to Actavis but now I am going back on Teva due to Actavis being indefinitely discontinued after Teva’s acquisition of Actavis pharmaceuticals. Wondering if anyone currently takes the Teva... read more

What generic brands of diazepam work - not Mylan?

I have read & heard that the generic Mylan brand of diazepam doesn't work as it should. My insurance will not cover the brand name & it's pretty expensive. What other generic brands are out there that DO work? I use CVS as my pharmacy

Has any experience nightmares as a side effect of taking Topamax?

I've been on Topamax since March 2009 and in the past few weeks (maybe 4-5) I've been having nightmares, not just bad dreams, but night terrors... really horrible stuff. I had a routine visit with my doctor on Monday and he cut my night time Topamax dosage back a little because he thinks... read more

How long did your side effects last after tapering off Topamax?

I was on topamax for about 3 months and at 75 mg. This drug was highly changing my mood and personality and it was only mildly effective at helping the migraines. I spoke with my doctor and he told me to wean off by 25 mg every 4 days. I took my last pill on day 12. I am currently 9 days free of... read more

Topamax for eating disorder (binge eating/bulimia)?

Hello everyone. This is my first post here and I really need your support and your experience. I've been suffering from eating disorder for 6 years now (1 year anorexia, 5 years binge and bulimia). I've been put on Topamax 100 mg for binge eating/bulimia and it's only one month... read more

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