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Jardiance Questions

Displaying 18 questions associated with Jardiance.

Does Jardiance cause weight loss?

What does Jardiance do to your perineum?

I have been taking Jardiance for 3 weeks and my eyesight has dramatically changed. I just got?

... diagnosed as a TYPE 2 then, but my FBS are only 180. My P.A. IS adding another drug when this scrip is up. Will my eyes keep changing or should I get new glasses now?

Arrhythmia - Has anyone experienced Afib/flutter after starting Jardiance?

In 2018, I had an Afib episode from steroid injection and in 2022, an Afib episode from COVID-19 infection. Then in 2024 three weeks after starting Jardiance, I had brief episode of Afib (2 hrs.), then 3 days later another brief episode (2hrs.), then 3 more days later, I'm in persistent Afib... read more

Does Jardiance cause severe mood swings?

My husband started taking Jardiance and he has become very moody, irritable, and aggressive. He is becomes very agitated at the simplest things. I'm not even able to ask him a question without him getting irate with me.

Higher blood sugar on Jardiance?

Recently I was diagnosed with type two diabetes. My general practitioner immediately prescribed metformin. I found a new endocrinologist and made an appointment with him to discuss an action plan. He immediately put me on Jardiance given my heart disease history. I just started taking the Jardiance... read more

Does Jardiance cause dizziness, unsteadiness when standing up, stomach upset and occasional vomit?

My doctor switched me to Jardiance. Lightheaded and dizzy after taking. Trouble with balance. Stomach upset and vomit up lunch 2-3 times per week.

Jardiance - Took a double 10mg dose today?

I just started taking Jardiance for kidney issues not diabetes. Today I took a second 10 mg dose forgetting I took one already. Issues?

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Chronic Kidney Disease, Heart Failure, Congestive Heart Failure, Diabetes, Type 2, Cardiovascular Risk Reduction

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