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What would be the street name for Acetaminophen/Hydrocodone?

5 Answers

MyMamaOnDrugs 2 Aug 2017


Votes: +0
abbynormal2u 3 Sep 2013

Vicodin or Norco's or Nortabs or Vikes or I need my medication now

Votes: +0
Inactive 18 Feb 2013

Hello tryin.. There are several med names for Acetaminophen/Hydro ... Loratab, Vico, Vic tabs, Norco, and for the Tizanidine that is generic for Zanaflex which is a muscle relaxer, and the Lorazepam is generic for Ativan which is a benzodiazepine ... I hope this helped.. good day to you :)

Votes: +0
Inactive 18 Feb 2013

Sorry forgot to mention street name ... Tizanidine is a crazy one lol.. street name in some areas is "cha cha". I am not too sure about the Loazepam other than calling it a "benzo"

Inactive 18 Feb 2013

Did a google search on the cha cha and its what some came up with, bcuz it was from a website hahaha dumb! I am sure if you google street names there will be a lot.

tryin to help 18 Feb 2013

Hello pamee. Your response has bn very helpful. Iv bn tryin to help someone get it together but they continue to sneak smthing different in. Anyway thank you for your help. I may be back to vent someday soon. Thank You So Very Much.p

Inactive 18 Feb 2013

Tryin, how wonderful you are helping another with their drug problem! :) two thumbs up!! If the person is willing to go, a support group such as AA or NA would really be a great help. I have heard some people say they liked AA better, and it's more than jst for alcoholics. As far as support for you, keep coming back and do all the venting you need!! I will friend you and if ever you need to talk privately feel free to send me a private question (message) ... best to you...
Your friend pamee

Inactive 19 Feb 2013

I love this group for its honesty. Thanks for everyone's caring. God Bless!

happybrandee 17 Feb 2013

It actually depends on where you live I have heard them called different things, there are 3 names that they are called in the area that I live and they are, "vics", "tabs", or "hydros".
I hope this helps you some.
Take care!! :))

Votes: +1
tryin to help 17 Feb 2013

Thank you both so much. I still hv 2 more but I dont know what they're called yet. Thanks Again!(

tryin to help 17 Feb 2013

Thanks for earlier answer. I now have 2 more perhaps you can help with street names: Tizanidine Hydrochloride
Thanks for any help you may be able to give me. "Sincerely Tryin to help"

Lisa01 17 Feb 2013

They're normally just referred to as "tabs", which is the shortened version of lortab. Hope this answers your question.

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acetaminophen, hydrocodone

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