does anyone know of an alternative class that is not based aspirin or ibprofen
What can I take for sciatica pain? I am allergic to aspirin and ibuprofen anti-inflammatory drugs.
Question posted by paddyanne47 on 14 March 2012
Last updated on 8 April 2012
thanks to all of you, i will discuss with doctor. am getting a referral to specialist and will bring these suggestions up. pain has subsided some in my leg..still numbing and back pain, but not that unbearable knife like pain. yes i do break out with aspirin, so am afraid to take..thanks again, paddyanne 47
4 Answers
Hi paddyanne. I take Lyrica for the fibromyalgia, tramadol, Toradol , and Flexeril.
Several types of medications may be used for sciatic pain. Oral medications include:
Over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen, aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen
Prescription muscle relaxants to ease muscle spasms
Antidepressants for chronic low back pain
Prescription pain medications for more severe pain
In some cases, a steroid medication is injected into the space around the spinal nerve. Research suggests these injections have a modest effect when irritation is caused by pressure from a herniated, or ruptured, disc.
I hope this information helps.
blondie, thanks much for the info..i will keep in mind when speaking to the dr. i really appreciate your response. am feeling a little better right now even though i suffered greatly for the past two weeks. am expecting to see a specialist soon..paddyanne47
You're welcome!
Are you truly allergic as in breaking out in hives etc... or do they just hurt your tummy like they do me? If that is the case you should be able to take buffered aspirin. Just a thought... Mary
There is a class of NSAID's that is a bit different than the COX I inhibitors such as ibuprofen. They are called COX II inhibitors and Celebrex is an example. Might be worth a discussion with the doc.
Oh and you might also discuss Lyrica witht he doc too. It is not an NSAID, but does help with nerve pain such as you have.
Time for the doctor. Tylenol is a different group. It is not an NSAID which aspirin, Aleve, ibuprofen are of that type.
But your type of pain has a series of treatments available that will be more helpful. Give the Tylenol a chance, but only take what they recommend as too much can mess up the liver. Hot baths or heat also helps. That should hold you until you can see someone.
Good luck.
I agree. Thumbs up.
Vitamin C helps me w/leg cramps... not sure what type of pain you have but I take 3000mg. a day and a warm bath in epsom salt and lots of pillows under my legs... Good luck ,Tina
tina, thanks to you and everyone who responded..headed for the specialist next week... will let you know what happens..thx again, paddyanne47
Related topics
Further information
- Aspirin uses and safety info
- Aspirin prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Aspirin (detailed)
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