Hello .. i think i had anxiety long time ago without knowing that feeling depending on the situation im passing by like an important basketball game,job interview,university presentation .. but everything was ok until i traveled to Dubai to work there i was excited in the beginning but after a couple of days everything was awful i thought it was depression or maybe feeling homesick didn't know that it was anxiety. I quit my job after only 1 week without telling my family and friends because they will try to convince me to stay and i was dying so i went back home feeling safe, calm , and relaxed i didn't care what will people or my family will do. I completed my life finished university then i worked at my home country at a bank for 3 years(one of my best years of my life) i was enjoying my work and life alot in this period.on my 4th i got transfered to another branch and i had the same feeling when i was in dubai which is anxiety i believe. Life was so difficult and i couldn't complete my job also thought to quit but thank god i went back to my branch and everything was fine until my branch closed. I searched for another job it was online and it was tough in timing “14 hours” .. i started so excited knowing that im energetic and great worker i make sure that everything is done well in work and being that excellent employee .. after 1 month i think anxiety triggered again .. i cannot stop thinking about work when im outside or doing other thing even in toilet im always thinking about work .. i quit the job and i had one of my worst year in my life .. i had panic attacks ,short of breath, insomnia, anxiety and started being ocd .. i started making sure about every little thing that its fine and in its place for example the towel or the soap in the bathroom .. making sure the car door is closed been doing many silly things with anxious feeling ..horrible and negative thoughts all the time i had many bad and tough days and was always seeking to stay outside my home to maybe feel better, tried walking everyday .. nothing made me feel comfortable .. suddenly everything started to get away .. no panic attacks no short of breath, feeling life back and much better but anxiety still there and i need to end this hell, i went to the doctor and he prescribed me zoloft though im using a generic medicine (solotik),he told me its the same medicine like zoloft .. i started 25mg for 1 week and im on my second week now .. sides effect are known but not annoying knowing that i was doing ok before taking the medication. I was about to stop the medicine but after reading reviews i completed my medication and im so exited to see the result .. and i think sertraline will help me to be a much more happier person then before or maybe as a child i always read reviews,and im happy with what people say about sertraline, im waiting to get the same result hopefully .. will sertraline helps me and change my life? Can i travel again without being anxious or worried ? Can i face any situation without being anxious?will i had the feeling of new person full with energy again?
Sertraline - How can zoloft medicine change my life ?
Question posted by Ahmadss86 on 22 Oct 2021
Last updated on 2 November 2021 by PhD771
Hello. It helped me a lot with acute work-related anxiety last year. But it took about 2 months at 100 mg and a lot of mindfulness practice, and prayer, to get my brain back to a state where work stress doesn't bother me much anymore (it just isn't worth it). I started at 25 mg in the morning, working up slowly to 100, taking it later and later each day. Now I take 75 mg about 2 hours before bed each night. It's been 6 months. I am working back down to 50 mg slowly and will keep it there for a few years probably. Combining it with Mirtazapine 15 mg helped at night the first few months. Check out the sleep school's app. There is a module for work anxiety that I found very useful... Good luck!
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zoloft, depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, sertraline, medicine
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