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Results for 'Vyvanse Depression Anxiety Insomnia Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Generalized Anxiety Disorder Citalopram Trazodone Diagnosis'

ADHD and PTSD and anxiety?

Is it safe to use these 3 medications together? Vyvanse 70mg Intuniv 4mg Wellbutrin 300mg

What justifies taking marijuana for anxiety?

Hypothetically speaking... a student is diagnosed with ADHD and takes vyvanse as prescribed. However one of the side effects of the... read more

Anyone experienced any negative side effects while on Vyvanse & other meds like lexapro or prestiq?

Over 2 years ago, I had a brain scan ( a somewhat cutting edge technology) that determined that I had ADHD, anxiety and... read more

My wife takes Wellbutrin and Vyvanse and now has been prescribed Lexapro. Is this OK?

She is 46. Our first child just left for college and then marriage problems started. She works overnight in a high stress environment surrounded by... read more

Mixing Zoloft (100 mg) and Vyvanse (50 mg) 20 year old college athlete?

I was diagnosed with ADHD in 2nd grade, PTSD/ Depression and Anemia in 9th grade. I started routinely taking Vyvanse in 10th... read more

How long did it take for Seroquel to kick in? Aside for the sleeping effect, which I appreciate?

I've been on Quetiapine Fumarate for almost 2 weeks. I started at 25mg at bedtime and then went up to 50mg at bedtime. This Friday night will... read more

Vyvanse - read this because I'm scared and nervous?

So I literally just got home from the doctors office 30 minutes ago and prescribed vyvanse. As a little kid I was diagnosed with ADHD,... read more

How do I approach my therapist about ADHD ?

Im currently on meds for depression, ocd and anxiety. But i have many of the symptoms of ADHD. Could i possibly be... read more

No medication seems to work for me...What can be the cause to this?

Dear members, I am new to this site as a member but have been frequently visiting it for self-education purposes for a while now. My main concern is... read more

Vyvanse 30mg. Ok to take several days in a row?

I've been diagnosed with ADD since I was a child, but never liked taking my medications because I always felt kind of weird on them. So... read more

Is there anything out there other than benzos that help with panic attacks and depression?

I have been suffering from panic attacks and anxiety(some depression as well)for 20 + years. I have been diagnosed with major... read more

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