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Results for 'Neurontin Bipolar Disorder Obesity Anxiety Gabapentin Weight'

Neurontin/gabapentin - have any of you adjusted to the side effects? It's working, though!!?

Hi gang! My neuropathy has been Hair-On-Fire painful since the end of 2009, maybe earlier, to the point where Cemeteries looked comfortable, just... read more

Does Neurontin cause weight gain?

Is weight gain inevitable on Depakote?

I will be starting the medication next week and am terrifed of gaining weight. I'm on the hearvier side which has a lot to do with my... read more

What is the best medicine for bipolar that does not cause weight gain?

I was put on mirtazapine 30 mg and gained 40 pounds in three months

Has anyone lost the weight they put on from gabapentin?

I have put on 40lbs in 5 months from this stuff. I just learned tonight that this was the cause and I am so angry. I am dosing down starting now then... read more

What are the alternatives to Lyrica?

What else can I take? Have tried Neurontin (gabapentin) and now pregabalin... weight gain incredible. So unhappy!

Mirtazapine - mirtazapine and weight gain?

Hi guys, how many pounds did you gain for taking mirtazapine approximately?

Should gabapentin be taken with food?

How do you handle weight gain while on gabapentin?

I'm new to the group and new to the medication gabapentin. I've read some posts, but couldn't find anything specific to... read more

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