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Results for 'Pain Fentanyl Chronic Pain Fentanyl Transdermal Transdermal'

Was just restarted on Fentanyl patches and one fell off & wont re-stick! Help, what do I tell the Dr

So the second day I was re prescribed Fentanyl patches one fell off, I found it in my bed but cannot make it re stick! I tried... read more

Fentanyl - Is there a pharmacist in the group that can answer what kind of breathable patch I can?

... use to keep my patch from falling off. I live in a humid climate and I need help

Buprenorphine Transdermal Patches?

Can I shower with patches on?

How long does it take the fentanyl patch to start working?

I have severe pain in my neck & lower back. dr. put me on the fentanyl patch. I am still having pain... read more

Fentanyl Patch - how long does it take for it to start working?

I started the Fentanyl patch 17 hours ago and I can not tell whether it is working, if it isnot going to work I am in big trouble if... read more

Fentanyl - The best place to put the patch?

I just put on my second patch today. I put the first one on the back of my shoulder. I put the second one on my upper arm and it doesn't seem to... read more

Fentanyl - I am starting to see patients who are using fentanyl powder. Up to now my fentanyl...

... patients have used blues or mini mexis. The powder seems to metabolize slower and people are showing positive after 7 days of abstinence. I have... read more

Fentanyl Patch - Can putting my fentanyl patch on an area that is sunburned cause an adverse...

... reaction? Like the patch running out early and withdrawals from that or other side effects?

Hi. I'm a CML patient and use Fentanyl Patch. Best places to place patch on body?

I will use a tagaderm if needed as I sweat a bit more than normal. I usually place them on my chest but was curious what other experiences were on... read more

Do Butrans transdermal patches contain metal?

I’m concerned about my Butrans patch while having an MRI of my foot. Does it contain any metal or substance that could cause burning in the MRI

Why would my pain medication that Im currently on not help my teeth pain?

hello everyone im on fentynal 50mcg and norco for break thru 6 a day if needed.Most days i get by great with what im on until this horrible tooth... read more

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