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Popular Questions (Page 9)

Pain medications, alternative medications to OxyContin and oxynorm?

I am in pain 24/7 with my back. I had surgery about 8 years ago as I was in pain all the time before my surgery and was advised that surgery was the way to go, my only option really. Three of my bottom discs where gone and I had a bone at the bottom of my spine that wasn’t supposed to be...

Duloxetine - Cymbalta has caused me to start losing my hair?

Is there any other drug in this class that doesnt?

Can Colace be taken daily?

Is their a reaction between Amitriptyline and Prozac?

I am taking Amitriptyline at night 75mg for IBS. My doctor has suggested we add Prozac at 10 mg in the morning for anxiety. Will this cause any issues? I see some major reactions and I am a little warry.

Fentanyl - I am starting to see patients who are using fentanyl powder. Up to now my fentanyl...

... patients have used blues or mini mexis. The powder seems to metabolize slower and people are showing positive after 7 days of abstinence. I have learned that the positives drop off after 72 hours with fentanyl, but it isn't what I am seeing with the powder. Can you comment on that...

I am currently on birth control pills Apri and never missed a pill. Yesterday I was on my 7th pill.

I been on this pill for 2 years. Never missed a pill. I got worried and took an emergency pill yesterday for protection. My bf did not used a condom. Did I do okay, taking the emergency pill or was I protected with my birth control pills? I take my pills every morning same time. Thank you,

Potential Interaction: Wellbutrin and antidepressants – Seeking clarification?

I've heard that Wellbutrin (bupropion) does increase the effect of Trintellix (vortioxetine), requiring a lower dose of Trintellix when combined. I'm curious if the same applies to Lexapro (escitalopram). Can anyone confirm whether Wellbutrin enhances the effects of Lexapro?

What time of day should I take losartan?

What time of day should I take losartan

Can I take my oxycodone with meloxicam?

How to taper off sertraline?

How do you taper off sertraline?

What are the side effects of azithromycin?