If I had bronchitis but no more refills is primatene something to use when still have shortness of breathe
ProAir HFA - Is Primatene mist similar to pro-air?
Question posted by jackietwo on 12 Oct 2009
Last updated on 30 October 2009 by nvernon
3 Answers
ProAir HFA is not similar to Primatene Mist. Both are used by people with symptoms of wheezing, coughing and shortness of breath but that is where similarities end. Primatene Mist works rapidly but clears the body in 20 - 30 minutes and instructions state it cannot be used again for three hours without taking certain health risks. Primatene Mist is an old drug and not recommended by the National Institutes of Health Asthma Guidelines. Primatene Mist is not indicated for the treatment of bronchitis which is an infection inside inflamed airways and is treated with antibiotics, bronchodilators (ProAir, Ventolin, Xopenex, Proventil) and inhaled corticosteroids.
Breathing difficulties are potentially deadly. Ten people die of asthma every day. Most deaths are preventable but not by using medications such as Primatene Mist. Since your question indicates that you have a history of asthma and are fighting bronchitis, you are in a particularly vulnerable situation and should see your physician. Discuss concerns about paying for medications as there are less expensive alternatives to Primatene Mist on the market and all of them work better.
I hope this helps. More importantly, since your question was posted three weeks ago, I hope you are well by now. For more informatin about asthma: www.aanma.org; www.aanmablog.blogspot.com and Google search words NAEPP EPR3 (NIH Guidelines).
Yes! I just had the same experience with the ProAir refill thing. I am currently taking the primatene. In my opinion it works better than the ProAir. I used up my 1st ProAir fill in 3 days! Be careful though cuz at first the primatene was very very strong and made me gag - but it does work. My problem is mainly at night with cough attacks and the only thing that really worked for me was the Promethezine with codine syrup and Cipro antibiotics. Within 2 days I was 80% better. But I went back to work too soon and had a relapse and am now having problems getting a refill for the cough syrup since it is used by drug addicts to get high. Anyway you should at least get an antibiotic or you will have this linger on and maybe get worse. I asked my doctor about taking the primatene and he was not concerned and said it was a good product to use. Hope this helps!
Thank's for the info. Allong with the Pro-Air, I had a five day Antibiotic. I used the primetene mist, for about a week, your right it is strong.I feel better. I to do not like cough syrups, try hot tea with lemmon and get some fresh air right before bed time.
If what you took was not enough, how do you think that an over the counter will get you over the hump? I would call the doctor that is treating you and let him/her know that you either need more or another medication. You should be better by now.
Wishing you good health
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primatene, primatene mist, proair hfa, bronchitis
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