I got my implant on october 22nd this year and now in december i am having alot of pregnancy signs Increased appitite, Fatigue, Gas, Bloated, Headaches, Dizzy spells, Light headed and im urinating more then before I had a period for two weeks after getting it and have not got another period yet and im one of those that get a period on time every month no matter what it may be short or long but it always comes and between these symptoms and no period im freaking out that i may be pregnant and im an overweight woman so im wondering if the percent is different for me? Is there a chance I could be pregnant? How many people have gotten pregnant on this?
Pregnancy symptoms on nexplanon?
Question posted by kylielyssa on 18 Dec 2013
Last updated on 3 September 2019 by Thelma Birtles
26 Answers
You could be pregnant and it's not a bad thing and I hope everything goes well for you and good luck.
I'm Thelma and I,m 21 years old and I have the bar in my arm to stop me from getting pregnant and I'm not overweight and I just found out I'm pregnant may be with twins and only just had a baby on the 15 December 2018
I am having the same exact symptoms and have had it since January.. did you ever find out if you’re pregnant?
I got mine in November of 2017. I had my period for 4 straight months. Then it just stopped. Now i have lower abdominal pain, nausea, and fatigue. I tried asking a doc at an urgent care and all they keep telling me is to see my ob/gyn. Its hard to get an appointment and i just wanted an opinion. Any opinions?
I’ve had it in for almost 3 years I have to get it out in the begging of June 2018. My boyfriend came in me.is there anyway I could get pregnant with only a few months left with the implant???
What are your symptoms?
I’ve been on Nexplanon for about 6 months I was having a period every month but now out of nowhere it stopped and hasn’t been on for 30 days Should I be worried plus I’m slightly overweight and have a lot of pregnancy symptoms but idk if it’s from the birth control somebody help lol
I have been having all the same signs of pregnancy while using the nexplanon. I've had my nexplanon in for two and a half years about and I haven't had any issues with it. Recently I've been having sore breasts sore nipples fatigued Moody and slight nausea I have also been having a slight weight gain. Has anyone else had these symptoms is this normal for the nexplanon?
Basically I had the implant in in 2015, in 2016 I wasn't well felt like I had water infection wouldn't stop bleeding felt sick doctors gave me antibiotics for a week took them then went straight back to been the same so went back turned out I was pregnant with my little girl who is currently 4 months old now, it is possible to get pregnant on anything I didn't believe it when I heard stories thought people wasn't using protection right but I certainly know it can now thought it might help
Your doctor probably should have told you that antibiotics make birth control ineffective...
Im 19 years old iv been on birth control since i was 14 depo, at least for 4 years i started nexplanon september of 2015. i only had periods or two period or lightly lightly cramps or just be emotional and mood swing from time to time but this time its diffents its heavier then ever for about a week and geting worse everyday and the cramps and mess emotions are so out of wake could i be pregnant? Or miscarried? utopis pregnancy?
Hi this is my third time getting the nextaplon and what I can tell u is I have some of the same symptoms every time it was a false alarm. I can truly say this birthcontrol works. I haven't had a period in 2 years and I love it.
Are you still using it now? I am also on my third use of nexplanon. I plan on this being my last time. Am a little worried about how it is going to affect my body for when I’m ready to have kids. Have you had any children after being off of it (if you even are) or heard anything about successful birth rates after the implant?
I have 4 months left , having symptoms of pregnancy is it possible to become pregnant with only 4 months left?
Yes and no depends on your body
I have had my implant for about 16 months and i have been bleeding since i got it put in... is this normal? Here lately i have also been feeling nauseous and sore breasts and dizzy spells
Hi I've had the implant in since 6th feb 2014 (so due to have it out soon) .. N for bout 5 weeks I've been experiencing dizzyness tiredness headaches quite a lot going to the toilet a lot an eating more then I should be n put bit weight on what I am experiencing could I be pregnant as I've heard people get pregant while on the implant I've not seen a period for over 5 weeks now n usually I get period every month why should I do ???
I have the nexplanon... It's not been easy at all. When I first got it 2 years ago it seriously screwed me up. I had a period for six months straight starting the day I got it put in my arm. When it rains my arm hurts. I can feel my muscles growing over it. It's caused me to have two misscarragies in the same year tbh this year. I've read about it a bunch. You won't be able to have the baby's you will miss carry them with it being in my late stage of having it I am very liable to go back to my irregular periods I'm very likely to get pregnant and keep the baby since its in my last year of having it. It's made me have all the symptoms but watch out for your bleeding your blood may be brown for a while than turn to red. Mine was always brown my first 2 years of it. But like I said with it being my late year/ last year of having it in liable for everything because this is the time for my walls to start going back to normal etc. good luck the implants suck I do not recommend them at all.
Hi I believe I am due to take the implant out this year I do not have my card on me at this moment to state exactly what date. However, I am a little nervous because I have never been pregnant before and recently I have been feeling something near my vagina but below my belly. Sort of like a push but not exactly a push. (weird I know). Also close to my belly button sometimes i feel like something moved. I am not sure what it is also kind of freaky. I well me and my fiancé are planing on having a baby when I get the implant removed. I have read every single post on this site I understand it is very hard to become pregnant with this in my arm. I have been different with food some days I eat a lot some days I don't want to eat anything. Plus I have been a lot happier recently nothing is different in my life beside myself. I also have been having baby fever for past few months. This never happened.
I am not sure if it is because me and my fiancé are planing on having a baby when it comes out or if something is wrong. Also I tried to take a shot with my friend in her birthday but I could not even swollow it and spit it out almost throwing up which is not normal for me.my mother past away so I don't have her to talk to about this so I came here for help before wasting my doctor time if it is just me with baby fever (lol) thank you for your time.
Please anyone who has anything to be helpful please share. Yes
I been dealing with black outs nazea headaches dizyness lower abdomen pain on my left side but I have spotting should I get my Dr to take a look to see what is going on? Or do you thank I'm pregnant and need to go in asap?
I had my nexplanon put in 2 weeks ago and I had sex 2 days prior to it which I know was not recommended but my boyfriend told me he pulled out but now I'm 6 days late and I'm worried I might be pregnant is it possible?
I have nexplanon and after 6 months of constant spotting it just stopped. All together. No pregnancy symptoms but it's quote nerve wracking. I should be happy that I don't have to wear pads every singe day of my life but I can't help but kinda be scared. They say the mist changed happen between 6-12 months so maybe my body is now just adjusted? Opinions?
Im 21 Ive had this implant since May 2014 I told them I wantes the threw year that would make May 2016 when it should be removed. I had a period like normal the first year, well the last year or two I haven't had a period at all. Last month I had sex unprotected and he didnt "pull out" a few days after we had sex I bleed like a period I was likw what in the world?! Since its been so long ... It was light lasted maybw 4days but was more like spotting . Hes the first guy ive slept with in a almost a year ... Its been about two weeks since we had sex but im just not wanting to eat no appreciate at all nothing tastes good I feel sick not nauseous though and I havent had any more period symptoms. I also looked on my card that I had to keep from thw doctors office and it says i have a three year implant but they marked it needed to come out in may 2015!!! Im freaking out maybe they mixed up the year on the card !!!
If you got your implant in May 2014, you would be good until May 2017... Which is 3 years. Not 2016. Hope you figured that out
Related topics
headache, vertigo, pregnancy, fatigue, gas, nexplanon, implant, symptom
Further information
- Nexplanon uses and safety info
- Nexplanon prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Nexplanon (detailed)
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