I have Prednisolone AC 1% Ophth Susp 5ml eye drops which I got from a doctor at urgent care about 4 years ago. Can I use this medication to treat a Stye in my eye?
Can I use Pred Forte eye rops to treat a stye?
Question posted by djones8734 on 18 May 2014
Last updated on 27 September 2014 by Jules8794
3 Answers
Yes, you can use this to treat stye on the eyelind. My doctor gave me a script for this eye drop and its working well. I had my stye for three months before I started using this and it's helped so much. My stye is almost gone after 5 days of use. With heat packs
NOOOOOOO. You cant use steroids with infections youll make it worse.
NO this is just for inflamation of the eye and if you have had it that long it is time for the trash... chances it is no longer sterile or it is outdated... You can alternate hot and cold packs and here is some information i copied and now pasting on what you can do..Also you can buy at least here in oregon..over the counter Stye oint.make sure your hands are very clean but most time these go away by themselfs and if it does not don't mess with the eye..you only have one set.and it is treated with a antibiotic eye oint. not a steroid,like Pred Forte get rid of it.. medically retired pharmacy tech.. go to a pharmacy and ask for stye oint..if what i paste now does not give you relief.it is yellow mericaic oxide oint over the counter give it a few days if it does not do it see a doctor..here is a remady i am going to paste right now.>>>>>>>>Do not be tempted to try and burst the stye as this can be very painful and cause further infections to develop.
As the bacteria causing germs are found in the nose, styes can sometimes be prevented if care hand hygiene rules are practised, especially regarding the insertion and removal of contact lenses and eye make-up. Hygiene guidelines should also be more strictly followed in the presence of a head cold, and by not sharing flannels, make-up application utensils and eye wear.
Styes are very common and usually not serious complaints that come and go on their own. It is often not necessary to seek any professional help unless symptoms persist or recurrences are very frequent.
Good luck hope this helps
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pred forte, stye, eye conditions, prednisolone, medication
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