last wed i coughed and sneezed at the same time and when i went to get up i could barely stand on my 2 feet, couldnt sit, walk, stand or even lay down and i felt something pull in my lower back and i felt a bump on my lower back like in the middle. what did i do now?
Is it possible to pull ur back out by coughing and sneezing at the same time?
Question posted by Eve54 on 14 Feb 2012
Last updated on 16 February 2012
3 Answers
Yes, yes and yes. You can do awful things to your back (sorry), by coughing, sneezing, and not all at once. You can also hurt your back by bending stretching etc. It all depends on the health of your back. You can pop a disc by the smallest of movements, (generally it was an accident waiting to happen). Chances are you probably just pulled some muscles. I would ice your back for several days to get rid of swelling and spasms, and get through the "acute" phase before you bother with a doctor and more medical bills. They simply can't help you until they know if you actually did damage or you just pulled some muscles. Good luck, I hope that you only pulled some muscles!!!
the coughing and sneezing was really bad and yes i did pull pull muscles in my lower back, i went to the drs tues for it and she gave me tylenol 3 with codeine plus 2 shots till i could get the meds filled. she told me to get bed rest and to limit my exercise for the next week, between the 2 shots and i took one pill at 3 this morning i slept from 1pm tues till 7pm tonite. my back is better and now my hips r acking from it too. im better. thanx.
My friend Delila hit the nail on the head! I did this last week, picking up a bag of dog food out of the trunk of my car. (That's a no no for me) Thougt I had broke another vetrebrae or ruptured a disc again. Slowly after almost a week it is getting better. I use heating pad, I hate ice, but if there is swelling you should use ice first , & alternate with heat.I also have pain meds & Flexeril which is a muscle relaxer. Works wonders for a pulled muscle. They hurt worse than an actual back injury, but if you are afraid you have done something serious to your back please see your doc & get an x-ray. ... Mary
i went to the dr tues my dr gave me 2 shots and some meds for afterwards when shots wore off. i slept from 1pm tues till 7pm tonite from the 2 shots and the meds i took. im on bed rest for a week... hope i get better soon. thanx.
I cannot believe your doctor put you on bed rest for a week! That is a definate no no for back problems. She should have had you get an x-ray to rule out a fracture or ruptured disc, & given you a muscle relaxer, but maybe 2 days down time is the limit! If you don't start moving & pushing yourself you will get so stiff you will have worse problems. Try heating pad if you have one. If not take a damp towel & microwave it for a very short time.lay it across your back, but be careful. f it's too hot to handle, it's too hot to put on your back. You really need to do some stretching exercises if your doc felt that nothing was wrong except a muscle pull. You have to strech it out or it will become worse. Just my thoughts... Mary
she said it was a very bad pull and ive been up and about since 7pm tonite so its better, thank you..i know im back to doing some stretching just doing it slowly on my own not to much till im feeling better. she had me on bed rest 4 a diff illness sorry i made a error, ive had pneumonia for over a month and still feel the effects of it like the coughing and thats how i pulled my back out bu coughing and sneezing very hard. im on meds for the cough now so im hoping ill get better soon. thank you so much.
Oh good! No, I mean oh that's bad! I didn't know you had pneumonia dear. Have yourself a good rest. I had it a few years ago for over 3 months. Stubborn, & wouldn't to the doc til I was almost dying! At least you had the brains to go see yours. I'm so sorry. It just kind of scared me when you said a whole week in bed. Now I understand, & enjoy it tremdously too. Everyone needs a week off now & then. Darn it has to be when you feel like crapola... Mary
thanx, im allowed 2 hrs a day out of bed and its just about up now so im going on my couch and watch my movie Breaking Dawn Part 1 my son got me for Valentines Day, im glad hes here with me now.
Ohhh! Great movie, enjoy it... Mary
Hi, it is possible to create muscular damage/strain by what you have described, it the coughing and sneezing was severe enough. I know a friend who broke his back having a seizure, but obviously a seizure includes much more aggressive movement. If you have a back condition already, then it is more likely to cause a problem. If the pain is unbearable, you should contact your doctor. Otherwise, i would suggest giving it a couple of days, and taking OTC pain relief/topical gels, and seeing if it eases. I hope you feel better soon!
thanx. it was very bad pull. i went to drs tues she gave me 2 shots and pills for afterwards when the shots wore off, she put me on bed rest for a week and not to do my regular exercise for a few days so my back would heal.
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