Suffering from anxiety I went from Prozac 80mg to Zoloft 25mg. I know it takes weeks to kick in so I'm going through anxiety. Can anyone can help with a medicine I can take besides benzos to keep my anxiety under control until the Zoloft starts working? I really need help. It's tough rite now. Any feedback will help
I'm on my first week of Zoloft 25mg. What else is good to help with anxiety beside benzodiazepines??
Question posted by Cloud718 on 30 Oct 2018
Last updated on 26 January 2023 by JanCav
13 Answers
This is a terrible answer but frankly I don't know ANY other medications other than benzo's that treat anxiety very well. I'm in a situation where I have end-stage-COPD and 5 yrs or left to live - as long as I don't catch influenza or COVID. I am currently required to see a doctor at a behavioral health center, and all has been mostly good for 10 yrs. until NOW when I have a doctor that is determined to wean me off of my Xanax. I have never taken more than prescribed - in fact my first doctor prescribed up to 6 per day and I was only taking 3 - 1mg tablets a day, so they finally changed my RX to 3 per day. I've been anxious my entire life but now, when I have episodes where I can barely breathe, I get VERY anxious - it's like slowly suffocating and, of course, I panic. Once I started taking Xanax regularly, I rarely had panic attacks and learned how to control my breathing without ending up in the hospital.
But once, I forgot to take all my drugs (including Xanax and Morphine) and had a 2-day-long hallucination - I couldn't locate my cell phone but was able to send a message to my cousin who sped over and took me to the hospital. Just as I was leaving, I hallucinated that my neighbors were chopping off the heads of 3 of the stray cats I cared for. As soon as I was in the hospital and was back on my regular schedule of Xanax and Morphine (the morphine relaxes breathing muscles at low doses making it easier to take a deep breath) then the hallucinations stopped. Not a single doctor I saw in the hospital that week even suggested that I go off Xanax or any other drug. They ALL felt that since I was terminal that I should be able to take whatever I needed to get through my end-stage COPD, they knew I was addicted but a responsible user that never took more than prescribed and once I was stabilized, they saw no reason to de-stabilize me by taking my Xanax away. Why this doctor feels differently I have NO idea, but now even my Palliative care doctor refuses to get involved or take over prescribing my Xanax (she prescribes my morphine). I am now definitely hoarding my morphine and if they take me off Xanax and I start having panic attacks again, then I will take an entire bottle and hopefully pass away in my sleep. I have a young grandson that I would love to watch grow up, and my poor daughter will have no other relatives than her father and husband to rely on. Other than doctor shopping while continuing to plead my case to my new doctor, I don't know what else to do. I'm so sorry you are suffering so much - but from what I've read and experienced, benzo's are the only solution for severe anxiety. Now just try to find a doctor that agrees with you - at least in my case I can mention my possible death without them, but even that sad story fails to work on this cruel doctor. Best of luck to you. PS. I'm not a paranoid person but I'm starting to wonder if any doctor prescribes a benzo they go on some sort of list and are easily reprimanded. Like one person commented that a few suicides have basically made these drugs impossible to get.
Hi Cloud718
Ask your doctor about hydroxyzine. It's non-habit forming, and it's an antihistamine, but you must have a prescription for it.
I take 200mg a day for my anxiety which is usually the minimum. 75mg in the a.m. 50mg in the afternoon and 75mg 30 minutes before I go to bed. It also helps my RLS (Restless Legs Syndrome) which is always worse at night. Just when you're ready to sit down and relax or go to bed. The nice thing is it also helps me sleep.
Check here on for any type of interactions between any current medications you are taking, including OTC (Over-the-Counter) meds and any side effects, normal and rare. So far, the only side effect I have felt is being sleepy, but for me, that usually only lasts an hour to 1 1/2 hours after I take my hydroxyzine, especially if I doing something quiet like reading. If I'm up moving around and busy I don't usually notice it.
I have read here on under the uses of the drugs that some people take as much as 400mg a day for their anxiety.
I know the Valerian Root works because my husband takes it and he is much calmer now.
As for how much to take, that I can't tell you, however, I do know that the amount is very small. My husband is 64 years old, 5' 11" & 225 lbs. The first time he took it, I don't know how much he took, but he told me later "I need to reduce the amount of the Valerian Root I take. I slept for 11 hours." That is way longer than he ever sleeps. He averages 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
You can buy Valerian Root at places like Wal-Mart, Walgreens, and Target in bottles of capsules. I don't know the dosage. My husband buys it online in bulk (1 pound bags), measures the powder and stirs it in his hot chocolate, coffee, or a frozen fruit juice drink.
I must warn you. If you buy it in the powdered form make sure you keep it tightly sealed in a GLASS jar. Valerian Root reaks. I can't even begin to describe the smell.
Again, check into Hydroxyzine and talk to your doctor. One of the best things about it is it is non-habit forming.
Best wishes and please let us know how you are doing and what you decide.
Hang in there. Hopefully by now things have leveled out. After 4 weeks my anxiety has noticeably lessened, after 6 weeks I was feeling good, after 8 weeks I was back to who I am and feeling like my feet where on the ground for the first time in over a year. In the last month I’ve had some anxiety “leaking” through the Zoloft if that makes sense, meaning I could feel it inside so we’ve bumped my dosage up to 100mg a day and it’s stopped the anxiety leaks completely. I also started taking Wellbutrin after week 4 to offset the anorgasm side effects I got from the Zoloft. Although that didn’t make that side effect perfect it helped a ton and got me back to where I was mostly normal with my partner, and had the anxiety completely gone. Hope this helps people. I was searching like mad for answers on anxiety and then the anorgasm and the things I learned here really helped me and proved with me anyway to be true.
Generic Atarax, its a common medication that has many uses, one is that of Anxiety and is not controlled. Hope this help!
My psychiatrist recently added a mood stabilizer Because I'm so sick and tired of having to carry my bottle of Clonazepam with me every where I go so she gave me something called Toprimate i take 50 mg every night because it has a sedative effect and I also have severe insomina so I take it with my insomina meds and I'm finding that it does help decrease my anxiety levels but I'm also having a problem with my new antidepressant Zoloft I find it's making my anxiety worse so I've been taking a 25 mg Toprimate during the day along with my Clonazepam but I don't take as many Clonazepam as I used to take now that i am taking the mood stabilizer. There's many different mood stabilizers. You'd have to discuss with your doctor which one would be right for you to help with your anxiety.
I feel your anxiety, I am just starting cipralex the first antidepressant for me, i have had anxiety most of my life but it is worse now, I have been on Xanax and lorazepam but it wasn't enough, so i started cipralex 6 days ago and my anxiety is worse I can't eat or sleep thats the side effects, Its terrible but my hope is that in a few weeks I will feel human again and get my life back, just know that you are not alone..
Talk to your doctor sooner rather than later. Many "natural" cures do not mix well with medications. Hopefully you and your doctor can come up with a solution together. I took Prozac years ago and had to go off cold turkey. Not a great time. Be careful with these meds. I do hope you find relief.
Hi Cloud718! I realize that you have a lot of anxiety going on right now. It will get easier, I've been through it myself. I had to go through four different kinds of antidepressants to find the one that worked for me. It was also Zoloft. It does take about a month for your body to adjust to the medication and the side effects to go with it. If you are still having a hard time with it after, you may need to take something different. It's ok if you do, finding the right medication is what's needed to help you. In the meantime, try and do things you like, to try and take your mind off of it. I'm sure you've heard that a lot, but it may help! Hang in there and you'll be fine!! Keep us posted!
I strongly recommend trying the supplement L-Theanine. It is incredible!
I take 1000 mg of L-Tryptophan nightly for anxiety. I get it from a local pharmacy, not a chain store. I trust them to have a better quality product. I also take B complex and Vitamin D which if you are deficient can cause anxiety. However, it is not recommended that you take L-Tryptophan with zoloft or other medications like it. I would recommend talking to an integrative doctor about what supplements you could try before adding pharmaceuticals to the mix. Most doctors offices will be able to talk it through over the phone. If it is late a soak in a warm bath with lavender can help calm you enough to get you to bed so you can sleep until morning and can call into the doctor's office. I like to remind myself that the human body is extremely resilient and this will pass if I let it. Sometimes that helps too.
Hi Cloud718,
Valerian is a good option as mentioned previously.
If you find you’re still struggling with anxiety, you could ask your Dr. for a beta blocker. They are safer than benzodiazepines and help tremendously with anxiety.
Good luck!
Exercise. Swinging on a swing. Anything to occupy your mind. Music in ear buds. I have to just to walk thru Walmart. Walking. Keeping busy. Hot bath. For restless legs. I take Clonazepam 0.5mg as needex. On beginning 3rd wk of 5mg Lexapro. I have GAD, depression an fibromyalgia an possibly bi-polar 2. Ive tried 13 meds this is visit #2 with Lexapro. Trying to stick it out longer this time. I know Ill have to go to 10mg soon. Dreading it. Each upping is like starting over again. Usually couple wks. Its hard. Id rather sleep through it honestly... goodluck. U better check on interactions with any over counter meds to .
What is GAD?
GAD=General Anxiety Disorder
Biolateral music from youtube has helped to ease my anxiety enough to help me get to bed and rest. Anxiety makes my body feel like I have been running a marathon for hours.
Valerian root has honestly become my best friend. From experience I can honestly tell you that I totally understand how you are feeling. And it is normal for you to fill this way. Transhisaning isn't easy. But don't always expect something to work right away. Valerian root is an over the counter vitamin. It helps with anxiety and will help you rest. I know that it seems far fetched, but it's working for me. Sometimes the answer to withdraw isn't always prescribed by a Dr, but over the counter meds. Such as in your vitamin section or closet gnc can work magic. Good luck and give it a try
Thanks much appreciated..will be getting it now if I can find it
How many mg I should get? Thanks
500mg And you can start by taking one to see if that's enough for you, or you can take two. Remember they will make you feel sleepy. But you can take them as needed. I take one in the morning one at lunch and two at bedtime. Sometimes I take six a day. Which is two at a time. And I have spoke with my dr, and it is very safe.
Does it matter what brand or type?
I use spring valley. And it will say on the bottle for sleep support. But I honestly don't think it matters
Your very welcome. CC
Be careful with this combination at first because valerian can interact with Prozac.
"Using FLUoxetine together with valerian may increase side effects such as dizziness, drowsiness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. Some people may also experience impairment in thinking, judgment, and motor coordination. You should avoid or limit the use of alcohol while being treated with these medications. Also avoid activities requiring mental alertness such as driving or operating hazardous machinery until you know how the medications affect you. Talk to your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. It is important to tell your doctor about all other medications you use, including vitamins and herbs."
Best regards and I hope you're feeling better today!
Thanks wild
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