So, me and boo did it on the 21st of this month around 4am. It was protected sex, but I don’t know why I felt like something was wrong but I didn’t think of it much because we used protection. On 23rd morning he tells me that maybe I should get a Plan B just in case and I freaked out!! So I got the pill and I took it approx 40 mins before 72 hours ended. It’s been a few days and I’m freaking out. I read on the internet that I should be getting my period a week earlier or during my regular period days. I usually get my period on the first week, and I’m so anxious right now. I don’t know what to do. I haven’t been feeling anything, I just had a little cramp 3 days after taking the pill but that’s gone. I dont know if I got the cramps because I read it somewhere that I’m supposed to get the cramp and my mind if playing games with me or if it actually happened.
I’m so confused right now, I never took a morning after pill and this was my first time and I really don’t wanna be pregnant. Is this normal?
I took Plan B and I still didn’t get my period?
Question posted by Meowmeowmeowmew on 29 July 2021
Last updated on 1 August 2021
Some women wait weeks for a bleed after using Plan B. Some can even wait months. It is a huge dose of artificial hormone for your body to deal with.
I would recommend testing each week, until you get your period, so you find out early if there is a pregnancy to deal with.
Nothing happened all these day but today after peeing, i saw there was blood on the tissue. At first I thought it must be spotting. But there has been constant blood, but enough flow for a pad. But it’s not even spots. Like I had to use two tissues each time I went to pee and there was blood. I also noticed some clots. I’m supposed to have my period on the first week of the month. I’m not sure if it’s spotting or my period with a lighter flow.
I’m sorry I meant, not enough flow for a pad.
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plan b one-step, emergency contraception, sex, period, protection
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