I’m 23 years old and 5’1. I noticed rapid weight gain due to my PCOS. I’m wanting to know how much mg should I start with. I’m really looking forward to cut down on some weight because I am close to 200 lbs more and more every day.
Phentermine - How many mg should I take?
Question posted by Jimenezgrizel7 on 30 Dec 2020
Last updated on 31 December 2020 by 56ker60
First of all, it is unfortunate that you are having these health issues at such a young age. I believe the PCOS is from the weight gain and as the weight comes off and your diet improves so will the condition. The dosing of this medication is different for everyone, altho probably all started on the same starting dose. This medication dosing must be evaluated by your dr every couple of weeks and may change depending on how you are responding to the dose. It has some significant side effects and should be monitored very closely. You don’t just get a pill and take it forever. It MUST be closely followed. If any problems with your eyes or you get pregnant call dr ASAP. I am curious if you seeing a nutritionist, following up with someone like a health coach who knows about PCOS? Unfortunately the amount of early chronic disease development is due to many factors and it is quite a problem in your age group in today’s society . Weight loss, having to exercise and living in covid world do not make your challenges easy. I hope you are in touch with a support person or support group who can help you grow positive dietary and movement programs for success over the long term. You must learn new habits for weight loss because pills are generally for the short term as they are quite dangerous to take for any length of time. The new habits must be sustainable for your success and good health. Good luck and be sure to read the info the pharmacy gives you and follow up with the dr! Be safe!
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