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Can I take painkillers with sertraline such as Nurofen Plus, which has codeine and ibuprofen in it?

3 Answers

Baraka Sebastian 29 May 2022


Votes: +0
WildcatVet 19 March 2022

There are two moderate interactions with this combination of medications:,1310-0,718-0
If your doctor prescribed them they're likely aware of these risks and deemed that the benefits outweigh the risks but since these interactions are possible you'll want to consult with your doctor or pharmacist.

Votes: +1
jakyoga65 18 March 2022

I would only take them together if your doctor and pharmacist agree that you should. Zoloft interacts poorly with many medications. Good luck.

Votes: +2
Joet1998 18 March 2022

I take 30mg codeine 8 a day & OxyContin 40 mg & 225mg venlafaxine & lansoprazole 30mg & 45mg mirtazapine & 10mg Olanzapine & propranolol 160mg xr & 200mg lyrica x 3 day & baclofen 10mg x3 a day & melatonin 5mg & phenergan 25mg x2 a day & clonazepam 2mg x3 a day & propantheline 15 x6 a day, I know my tolerance is high but I’ve no interactions with my medication.


Thanks for that

Joet1998 2 April 2022

No problem, how did you get on? free discount card

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codeine, ibuprofen, sertraline

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