I have chronic neck/arm pain from a neck injury 5 years ago. I had a c5-c6 discectomy and fusion 3 years ago. I was on 75mcg Fentanyl and 10/325 Percocet TID. I lost my insurance and was/is unable to work. I was paying out of pocket, then money ran out. Only way gov't would/could help in timely manner (i waited too long to ask for help) was just to go to detox. I did not go to rehab. That was 5 months ago. I have insurance now but my doc won't prescribe ANYTHING (except robaxin) and I am having a lot of pain. How do I talk to a new doctor? I'm afraid I've been "labeled". My old doc is convinced i'm addicted. Any new doc is going to ask for a history and send for previous med records. I've been to the ER twice now in last few weeks but all they'll do is give me a shot and a script for 15 5mg Percocet. I'm ready to end it because of the pain.
My doctor won't give me pain meds?
Question posted by BigJohn on 18 Dec 2009
Last updated on 21 June 2017 by kerryk
13 Answers
I went through the same surgery in 2010. On cervical discs c2, c3, c3, c4. I lost my job over it cause I was in such pain before I had an MRI done and knew what was wrong with me. I was a CNA working at a hospital lifting heavy patients without any help and injured my neck and lower back. I took lortabs for almost 6 years, then one day a nurse practitioner just took me off of them and gave me some tramadol. Didn't discuss it with me or anything. I was only taking 2 lortabs daily. I never abused my pain meds in any way. I too am sick and fed up with doctors thinking that im a drug seeker. So anyway I've been taking just ibuprofen, tylenol, naproxen, aspirin and a couple of muscle relaxes daily. Something needs to be done about this situation. Its not fair that the people who really need pain meds can't get them because all these other idiots have a drug problem and/or like to sell them. Try to get the doctor to refer you to a pain management clinic. They should be able to help you. Good luck
I honestly think alot of these doctors would rather a person go out onto the street and buy smack or blow their brains out with a double barrel shot gun then give a person the medicine they NEED so they can function on a decent normal level and continue working... Then the doctoe can ither refuse treatment and/or drop your benifits cause you used illegal drugs.. Or their problum is soved caue their patient is dead!!!
Find a new pain doctor,there is hundreds of them and only few good ones!!!
you obviously have medical records to prove that there is a legitimate reason for you to NEED these meds. You NEED a new doctor!! Just be completely honest because the right doc will help you. Good Luck!
what state are you in? maybe someone on here has a good pain doc. that they can refer you to. I am so sorry to hear of your situation because I have experienced almost the exact thing and it is stressful, painful and sooo frustrating!! I ended up buying a spy type pen that records audio because my doc verbally attacked me and in so many words accused me of being a liar and manipulator-this after I told her my entire history and was totally honest. Luckily I have stopped seeing her and am seeing an excellent pain doc and feel that they actually want to help me feel better (what a noval approach!). I recommend that you do some research or, if you have any doctors that you like and trust, ask them for a referal to someone they respect. Also, it is worth the drive to go to the best instead of the closest!! Best of luck
One last thing, please feel free to friend me or privately message me because I totally understand how you are feeling. I was so deeply depressed and hopeless when I was going through your current situation but it did get better and it can for you too!! Don't hesitate to send a message, even if you just need to vent (every once in a while, you just have to get it out).
I feel like killing myself because i am so much pain. I get two percoceits 5mg a day for pain the 5 mg are not working two good anymore and there labling me as an addict at the va because i had problems in the past. i have sighned an pain management agreement which i have not broke. I went to an other pain management place out side the va and my record followed so i did not get anything prescribed. I dont know what to do because i am not getting no relief i feel like killing my self are start shooting herion again. i am so frustrated because i trying to do thing the right way and nothing is happening. I live in pittburgh pa if anyone knows an doctor that wont hold things against me let me know please because at the end of my rope.
i have chronic neck back pain & have a fentynel pain pump which cant be increased because cant tolerate, but just had second total knee replacement in a year which is very painful esp when do phy therapy, my pain management dr aint worth a cramp does not give me enough oral narco to control pain which i need for pt & sleep at nite any answer? please help cant go on like this
I have the same problem! Severe back/neck pain as well as fibrormyalsia and osteo arthritis in my fingers, right hip and left knee. I owed my doc 1500 dollars so he cut me off cold turkey from 90mg a day methaedone. Now I can't get anything and I want to die too. I may go to a methadone clinic or else I am done I am 34 and I feel like I am 84. I wish you luck! Inow how horrible medical care for painam patients is in this country. Its a shame! Take care.
John, if you live close enough to a big city, take(only) your latest mri, cat scan or whatever shows your disc issues to a big city pain clinic or hospital. mention nothing of your prior experience or that no one would help. they will give you a form or ask you what your pain level is (1-10) tell them its an 8 and you can't go on like this. if you have to get into it with the doc explain just like you did that you couldn't afford the meds so you got meth for treatment for lack of money. in no way would you do that but you were forced into it as you were already addicted and that was the only option open. if its a city run program that started you on this path sue the crap out of em& say so, but only if you get nowhere. say as little as possible, just show your disc documentation of problems and by law they must treat your pain& insist on it but try not to appear as a drug seeker. good luck and god bless. ps maybe try the "i've been on meds before but,(tell them how you were misjudged and thrown off the system for lack of money
Hi Bigjohn, hymmmm, same exact situation here except for some reason I never became addicted, YES physical dependence, never craved opidots(can't spell worth a damn).13 years of 1-Oxycontin 45mgx's3 @10/325 Percs, next pain specialest. 2.Methadone for pain 140mg's daily, no instructions, so took as needed, always had a huge left over, Dr. decided to stop his chronic pain patients, he broke contract with me. cold turkey Methadone. Horrible. 3-4 months later 3. Fentayl Patch 100mg. every 48 hrs.
after 2 years of patch,one day I just took it off, disposed of lefts, said to God "Wherever you want me to land I will." Not 1 second of withdrawal, swear. Now choose Dr. who reputation is that of NOT usually give any narc's.
Well I fell, have such new horrible pain from side effect of antibbotic,ruptured tendon's. I am as I write on NOTHING and living with it.
Each day is full of more and more clarity,getting high on life. How long has it been you ask? about 4 months.
Having worked in medicine & Hospice most of my life, I hear that once you have surgery it's all over for any narcotic's. This is only hear say, go to another county perhaps. I wish I could be of more help.
Wishing you a pain free life you have dreamed of. Joanne
I have been there and am there now as a matter of fact. I have 3 specialist which I have had for over 12 yrs and my pain doc was one, when I was in the hospita I was promised if I became a part of there pain clinic I would have the same care if not better. so I hurt my docs feelings and now he wont take me back only to find that my hospital was changing over to be a part of the Cleveland Clinic hospital which it never was before. Now since this has happened all there regular pain docs are going private practice and the one I saw there actually said to me he did not know much about pain meds DUGH! (Thinking this is absolutley insane) now they have lost all there reg pain docs just as In was switching and now they are trying to take everyone off pain meds and go through a program.
well I have been in pain and disabled since age 23 and now I was told that you are aloud to go to as many docs for second and third opinions without disclosing any past info. if you do find a good doc just be open with him and tell him the truth I did however I am waiting on my records to be changed cos when I looked at them there were alot of lies, and my husband and i have 5 notebooks full of notes we took from every appointment to every doc I went to and know exactly what was said. now we are taking one of those small hand held tape recordees that are voice activated into every appointment with us along with taking notes so there is no discrepincies if they try to lie on the records. I have noticed this seems to make some of the dr's uncomfortable, So now we also have evrerything on tape.
I hope this helps
You sound like me, same situation, only I don't have insurance. I have to pay $100 a week for my methadone treatment. It is the best medication for chronic pain. The methadone clinics won't treat you for pain, only for addiction. But in a round about way you end up with pain relief. Read my profile and add me as a friend then we can talk private.
DO NOT END IT! PLEASE! PPL CARE ABOUT YOU! I even care about you, and I do not know you. Go to a Pain canter. I hate Fentanyl. I have been on it for over 8 yrs. I hate every minute of it. I was run over by a SEMI-TRUCK, it took me 5 years to learn how things work. Dr's now do not want the responsibility, because there are dozens of pain clinics in every major city. If I go to a Dr. anymore who is afraid of meds. and tries to write me a script. I know won't work, I just tell him/her I don't want it, been there done that and it's not strong enough for me. As much as I hate it, I know what it takes to get myself out of misery, and I tell them, but I go where they know how to treat ppl like us. Almost all hospitals in the cities have a pain clinic now. Call any Neurosurgeon or Neurologists office and they can tell you where one is. You may have to make your own appt. Just please don't do anything crazy! If you have to go to the emergency room, and have the E.R.
doc tell you, maybe that would work, but E.R. docs, really do not like to refer patients. Look online for your city and pain specialists, or in the major phone books. I truly hope this helps!!! God Bless you!
when you get labeled, their isn't much you can do except be patient. You have to kinda start over and make appts. and offer to do a u.a. people are such hypocrites. From the sound of it, you are in K.y... Just hang in there. I pray alot
if you needed all those drugs before you lost your insurance,etc,why would a new dr even question that you need thedrugs?they put signsup all overthat it's their mission to get your pain score to an acceptable level and noone deserves to be in pain,yet you're labeled a junkie when you're trying to legitimately get meds for pain relief ?!please don't do anything drastic,we can try&help you with this.maybe you should try talking to a new dr.,and being frank w/ him,taking your films w/ you so he knows you're legit.try and find a dr whose a little older if you can,it seems as though the younger ones don't want to subscribe any painkillers above tylenol w/ codeine!please keep in touch and good luck.
First of all you have nothing to be ashamed or afraid of. I was going to a pain management doctor who I fired because he insisted I see a psychiatrist because I was concerned that my blood preesure was too high. Mind you my father was a cardiac cripple and died a very ugly death due to his heart. I never went back there. I then went to another pain doctor with my list of meds I was on and meds that I discontinued. I explained that I had been on percocet way too long (5years) and wanted off because it was not helping anymore and I didn't like taking all that tylenol. I was switched a to morpine. The she was transferred to the city and a new pain doc came in and said he did not prescribe for long term pain meds gave me scripts and told me to see if I could find another pain doc who dealt with chronic pain.
I asked around and I found a doctor who I just explained my story to and told him for continuity of care I would like to have just one doctor to prescibe my psych meds and my pain meds as well as all of my regular meds. thyroid cholesterol etc. He was very understanding. I did not want my records from my fired family doc to go to him as I felt that they say that i switched doctors because I didn't like the anti-depressants they had me on and would not give the medication I had always taken but was stupid and went off of it with the agreement I could resume it at any time however the doctor who told me that was away and it just turned into she thought she knew what I needed better than I did. She was way wrong. I had taken what she wanted me to take with very bad results and I wasn't going to take it just to make her feel superior to me. I too was afraid about the medical records so I just slowly started to ask for copies of lab work x-rays anything I thought a new doctor needed to have and brought them with me to my first appointment. I told him I would get all my records but they wanted to charge me $50.00 to copy my chart and this was no lie so he said no he had all he needed. So if you can get some records to bring with you when you find a new doctor you should be fine as long as they cover whatever problems you have like I said labs and x-rays. But be honest with him tell the story the way you have explained it here. I was afraid too. But the doctor was happy that I wanted one doctor to handle my issues instead of getting one pain medicine from one doc and another from another doc. Give your new doctor total control of you. Work on it together. Let this new person he/she know that it is important to you to have your doctor know everything that is going on with you. Granted you will need an orthopod if you break anyhing or specialist like that but try to keep you main doctor in charge. They may make you sign a contract I did they may subject you to random urine drug screen if you are doing everything you should be doing you have nothing to fear. If you take something that you know will shoe up on a drug screen BE HONEST do not put your relationship in jeapordy. I hope this helps. You can always send me a private message I will add you as a friend. If you need any help let me know. You can get past this and not feel that you will be labeled. Once again I hope this helps a little Good luck and God Bless I will send you my e-mail address as well Barb
Barbles2413 hi.u have enlightend me as well i see this has been a yr im going to add u as a friend ao i can send a private mesaage.u have no clue what im going through.o have no dr because they say my ui is dirty.thc.then 1 time they r tryring to say meth because i was taking ampetaminesfor adhd.keep in ind that im new here and i still had my old meds... the drs wouldnt treat me for my adhd because of thc.well how come my previous pain dr understood that the durigeesic patches caused thc.i was on a lot of meds narcotics.now i have no dr & everyone turns me away & everything in this town is mayo.i have noway to get to the citites or anywhere else for that matter.i dont know whhat to say to this dr on the 5th without her turning her back on me & im very sick & im getting worse.getting sore from staying in the bed all the time.sometimes i have no idea why or how god caould let me suffer.if i go home id have 2 live with my son & girlfriend im too old for that plus i dont like her @ all.please help!
You won't believe how I'm going through close to the same thing. My doctor knows I'm an addict because she's the one who's been giving me the mophine & dilaudid. My insurance just ran out Dec. 1st. I still can see my Primary Care Provider,but no P.T,Mental Heath or anyone else. Are you on S.S.I orS.S.D.I? That's the only thing keeping me getting my meds. I also had a very bad neck injury & the first health care provider(Dean) I was with the quack neurosurgeon who did the c-1 to c-2 fussion didn't believe me that the pain was as bad as it was & didn't get meds I needed. He thought I was "drug seeking" a term I'm sure you've heard b4.
When I was able to switch to a different company & then a different doctor I had to have a second operation & had 4 more screws put in my neck & had & infection in the vertabrae the other doctor said "everythings fine" well it wasn't the bone deteriated around the screw so now I had not only a screw in my but it was bigger because of the bone being gone! It's a big problem,I paid 26,000$ in C.O.B.R.A payments to my present HMO & now they treat me like crap & all I've done is talk on the phone to them,they act like I'm one of "them" not a drug user I need them or my doctor wouldn't have & won't continue to give me them,but one of the 1000,s of people who claim to be disabled & make it hard as hell for people who really are disabled get SSDI or SSI!! You know I had to wait over 3 years to get SSDI? This happened back in 2006 & I JUST WON MY CASE IN OCTOBER OF THIS YEAR? If that isn't screwed up I don't know what is? I see people with A.D.D who get SSI,and i'm not saying that there aren't case's that it's not relevent,but. I see countless people who don't deserve it get it,& if your that injured you should get SSI/SSDI you need to pay for & get your meds. As I said you need to try and get another doctor with a different health care provider. I'm sorry this is do long but I've been bounced around on the phone trying to get a presciption drug coverage,premium assistant's and all these other things that I was told was "taken care of" by the attorney that I saw twice in 3 years & gets 3700$ for all that trouble(i'm joking) it's a messed up system with messed up people you have to deal with,I'm finding that out now when I thought it was over. When you pay 585$ a month they treat you fine,but now with Medicare I can't even talk to a live person just machines. Again sorry to vent,but like I said I can't see Mental Health. Good luck,unfortunetly you'll need it. Jeremy.
Well what do u do?cause im just ready to die i am.i get a pill here and there.im too far away from home and cant get anybody to send me a thing casue thedy r too damn lazy!!! if it were them it would be different.what wrong with theese drsx looking @ uslike were some kind of drug atticks wich maybe we r but we need r meds.just that simple.i cant do anything but worry and cry all day long wondering like a junky where my next fiix is coming from.i just hope i can die before suffering or going into sever withdrawls.my heart wont allow that.i dont no anybody here even wich makes it worse.if i was & home @ least i could keep saboxone on hand.but in this fam town i dont noa soul& they act so self rightous & everyone knnnows your business.no private drs.so they see your records.they have erase all my narcotics off my record chart & wont give me anything when i go to the er but wacked out non narcotic shots that make me feel worse.id u have an answer please private me a message.
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opiate dependence, pain, fentanyl
Further information
- Fentanyl uses and safety info
- Fentanyl prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Fentanyl (detailed)
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