On October 6th I was drunk at a party and ended up having sex. We used a condom but we were so drunk and we didn't really know what was happening so just to be safe I just took "Next Choice" the next day October 7th. After taking the pill a week later I had brown discharge for a day and ended up bleeding for two days then after that I didn't get my period for the month of October. It's November 19th today and I still haven't gotten my period,I have an irregular period but I usually get it in the middle of the month or the last week of the month,it's almost two months since my last period,am I pregnant? We used a condom and I took the pill just to make sure.
Took the morning after pill, then missed 2 periods. Is this normal or not?
Question posted by iMessedUp on 20 Nov 2012
Last updated on 24 November 2018
7 Answers
The morning after pill (emergency contraceptive pill) is a safe and effective way to prevent pregnancy after unprotected sex. It will be most effective if taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. Within 24 hours is best, but it can prevent pregnancy if taken up to 120 hours (5 days) after sex. Side effects are usually short-term and mild. Some women feel sick and it helps to take the pill with food. Anti-nausea tablets are available on prescription if needed. Some women experience a change in bleeding pattern and this is in response to hormone fluctuations. Your next period may come at the normal time, but it may be early or late and it could be heavier than usual. All scenarios are normal.
If you don’t get your next period, or it is very light, you should have a pregnancy test.
It may be a good time to consider reliable birth control options.
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I just wanted to help relieve some stress y'all may be having. I had a period feb 8. And went on vacation feb 19. I had a one night stand, where we had unprotected sex 3 times that night, and once in the morning. I took the pill Monday morning, so 60 ish hours later. I normally have 34 day cycles, and I completely SKIPPED my period in March. I fell down the Internet rabbit hole, and psyched myself out. Even though I had numerous negative tests, I was still really sick with worry over my period. Well lo and behold, I received it yesterday, almost on time for my April period. So worry not. Take the pill in the 72 hour time frame, and take tests if your period is late. You're more than likely NOT pregnant.
I had sex with my boy last month on 27th. And then I took plan B. Three days before my period was suppose to start we had sex again and the condom broke. So I took took another plan B. Now I am missing my period for a week and four days now.
Did you get pregnant?
I just read that this pill the day after can harm the woman's body with life threatening side effects. Try to get birth control ASAP.
Can yaw help me I miss my period on November is December aready I had sex with out condom but he didnot cum on me my period come on the last week is unregular but 4 months ago took plan b I am prego or no !?
I took the after morning ppill in stemember 29 and I had a short period in October 6 but I haven't had a period for November are I haven't had one for December yet what's going and I took five pregnancy and it say negative what's wrong I'm scared I won't my period come on this month I already miss it for November what's wrong help me!!!
Same pretty, idk whats going on everything is negative and idk if im pregnant or not if your not since this was a year ago please message me
Same pretty, idk whats going on everything is negative and idk if im pregnant or not if your not since this was a year ago please message me
Morning After pills can mess with your cycle. If you took it, as directed and you've taken multiple pregnancy tests that come back negative, you have a slim chance of pregnancy. The stress that you are creating for yourself isn't helping you get your cycle back on track. The morning after pill is a good resource for young women to have control over pregnancy. But it should not be used as a birth control. I suggest you read on how to track your cycle as well. Knowing when you ovulate can help you avoid pregnancy. The internet is full of information, research signs of ovulation, tracking ovulation, and similar terms. Read what you can, educate yourself. Knowledge is power.
Hi, I have the same problem, can I know if you found out if your pregrant or not?? Thank you.
Hi, I have the same problem, can I know if you found out if your pregrant or not?? Thank you.
Did anyone ended up pregnant?
Thanks for all your responses, I finally got my period today.
Good for you. Hope you get on the pill soon. I always found it was to my advantage not to get so drunk I didn't know what I was doing.
I really need some good advice here- this may seem all open but I'm freaking out.. I had sex about a month ago with someone, and we both had a bit to drink especially him…. the first time we did it we definitely used a condom, but the second time he seemed a bit drunk and the condom some how came off (same night) Im on the birth control pill, and was freaking out so much that I took the morning after (just to be sure)… its been a month and no period… Im freaking myself out by looking at all these crazy things on the internet… I done several pregnancy tests both at home and even with my doctor… and all have be negative…
Whats happening to me please I need answers ASAP? sorry about how open it all is I have no way of explaining
I am 39 yes old I am having problem with my period for the last 2 months now I had my period on march non in April and now may I have unprotected sex in march I take a morning after pill and from then I haven't seen my period since I take a pregnancy text a week ago and its negative can u help me please
Hi am happy for you... same thing happened to me my periods are messed up... after missing for two months it came for a day and then disappeared. ..I dont ever want to take any more birth control pills ever as I am divorced n abstaining till maybe if I get married again lol... so my question is will my periods ever be normal again ? As I have tested negative in pregnancy. ..thanks you
This is a common problem with these "morning after" contraceptives. Most likely you are not pregnant since you took it the morning after unprotected sex. It is probably just the pills hormones messing you up. They can really make you irregular for a while and can really wreak havoc on your sanity while you are waiting to "find out". I would also recommend that you perform a home pregnancy test using your first void (pee) of the morning to get the highest levels of hormone. If it is negative, you can be pretty sure that you are not pregnant. It may take several months for your cycle to straighten out. I would also recommend that you look into a hormonal birth control like birth control pills so in case you are too impaired to use barrier methods you are still protected against getting pregnant.
Alcohol, drugs and sex dont mix really well as you have found out and people dont make their best choices when they are so impaired. It is really best not to drink to such excess that you make poor choices like this. Women who have sex when impaired are much more likely to get infected with a sexually transmitted disease not to mention winding up pregnant. Birth control pills will keep you from getting pregnant but they wont protect you against STDs.
Morning after pills can really mess you up, for a few months sometimes. To be sure I'd do a pregnancy test. If you're not pregnant, think about taking a regular bc pill. You could avoid the way the morning after pills mess you up and the nerves of worrying you're pregnant.
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