I have severe generalized and social anxiety and I just started taking lorazepam. I also suffer from IBS and I was wondering if this drug helps for this too.
Lorazepam - does lorazep help for IBS?
Question posted by shorty29 on 7 Dec 2010
Last updated on 27 October 2022 by t6605
3 Answers
Yes, Ativan helps with my IBS. I have ended up in the ER several times with bad flare ups and they give me Reglan, cocktail to drink etc... and still I'm in discomfort... until they have given Ativan IV and whalahhh it does wonders!! It actually stopped my abdominal cramping, helped me to pass significant amount of gas and just relaxed my abdominal muscles.
Good Luck to you. I have IBS and every doctor I have gone to in the past has said that there really are no drugs for the treatment of IBS. I also asked about diet, but that is a very individual thing. It is just trial and error, to see what YOUR body can tolerate in the various food groups. WIth me, that comes down to mostly meat and veggies. I avoid dairy and wheat, plus most other grains, as I just don't feel good when I eat them. Caffeine makes things worse--- but dark chocolate soothes my belly! My lastest doc said that was fine--as long as taken in moderation! :) Mary, madhattersbash
I apologize for this taking such a long time for an answer to be posted, it may well be that your doctor is trying to help more than one problem, it may bring the social anxiety problem under better control and also it may be that there is a chance that it will also help with the IBS. I am in hopes that by this time that you are starting to feel better and that this medications helps . I wish you only the best! I have taken Xanax in the extended release I do hope that this medications does give you relief. I wish you only the best
Related topics
irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety, insomnia, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, lorazepam
Further information
- Lorazepam uses and safety info
- Lorazepam prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Lorazepam (detailed)
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