Question posted by creativedesigns83 on 23 July 2012
Last updated on 27 July 2012
I have been taking the DHEA supplement for the past 10 months off and on and at different MG. Started with 25mg, then increased to 50mg, and eventually my last dose was 100mg a day for the past month (June-July 2012).
My last menstrual cycle was delayed but I got it the end of May 2012 and the past month (June) it completely skipped, so I discontinued use this month. I also was getting pretty bad acne from it the past month. It's been a couple weeks off of the supplement but still no menstruation and acne. How long does it take to get out of your system and back to normal? Is there anything I can take to help level my hormones out to help this process? Any advice, I'd appreciate.
Hello creativedesign & welcome to the site. I am giving you a link to the supplement you are asking about below. It explains how it shouldn't be taken necessisarly by young people as it's main purppose is to help regulate hormones in aging adults. You probably messed up your hormones concerning your period by taking this supplement. If you are overly concerned, I would suggest you contact your gynecologist, but I really believe after some time this will go back to normal. You need to be careful with supplements as they are not rgulated by the FDA as of yet. I feel they should be, & there is a lot of talk about doing this. Taking a general multi vitamin & mineral is sufficient if you do not feel you are eating the right foods prepared the correct way to get these important vitamins in the first place. Maybe just a quick phone call to your doctor will put your mind to ease about this too. Good luck to you & stay healthy.
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27 July 2012
I should have mentioned the acne was probably because of over dse of hormone. That is why most teens seem to get this problem as their bodies are changing & the flood of hormones when becoming an adolesant becomes too much for their body to handlel all at once. I don't think you have to worry about it, but as i said, a quick call to your docs office & maybe the nurse can alleviate your fears, but leave the DHEA for us older folk... Mary
27 July 2012
Thank you for your advice. I'm hoping after some time it will be back to normal. I've always had a problem with my cycle not always being exactly on time and have been off birth control for the past 6 or so months (not trying to get pregnant though). I've taken tests to make sure I wasn't and they have all been negative so I'm still just waiting for it to start again. I will give my doctor a call like you suggest. Thank you.