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How long can we expect zytiga to work against prostate cancer with metastases?

6 Answers

Gnnjr 26 Oct 2022

A cogent answer to this question is difficult to find, at least for me. I started taking Zytiga in November 2011, yes 2011! As far as I can tell,, after 2 CT scans, it stopped working last fall; roughly 10 YEARS. I have tried other things since, with terrible results/side effects, etc. I'm considering going back on Zytiga, but I can't find ANY DATA relating to this idea. Needless to say, I'M FRUSTRATED!

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Jakjazz 14 Oct 2022

I have just moved onto taking zytiga (1-month now) after being diagnosed with metastatic stage 4 prostate cancer 4 years ago. My doc had goten my PSA down to 1.1 3-months ago but it had recently started to climb again to 1.6 so 1-month ago he changed my medication from DiProca to zytiga (I also have the 3-month injection)and in that 1-month period my PSA has gone down from 1.6 to 0.49. Am hopeful zytiga stays effective for a very long period of time. Very happy with the results today with minimal side effects. Also extremely happy with my doc for the time and effort taken to ensure the medication achieves the best results possible

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CallMeBob 23 June 2015

I was on Zytiga for one year. Blood counts improved for first 9 months then turned around the wrong way. I am now on Xtandi. Not much works longer than 8-10 months for me. Late stage 4 is the main reason

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tokalba 23 June 2015

I have been using Zytiga for more than 4 months. So far so good. Based on CT and Bone scan, all metastases almost shrunk,but the tumor still remains in a reduced size. Since Zytiga initial usage the tumor size has gone from 12 cm to 8 cm, no side efects at all. Supporting this drug with proper and specific nutrition created an excellent or extreemely well sort of recovery basically on previous symptoms. No leg or feet swaolling,nothing to mention as a health problem, full life activity and confortness. Based on my experience every drug must be supported with proper and natural nutrition.On the other side this drug (As I take it) must be taken after 2- 3 hours of breakfast but not before 1.5 to 2 hours before lunch with a full glass of drinking water.

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Frankyp 8 Sep 2012

You can expect Zytiga to work on average for 12 months, but this can vary from between 6 months to 6 years. You have to realise that Zytiga does not work for everyone and works in about 80% of cases.

Votes: +1
Marvell 6 Sep 2012

It is really difficult to answer this. Only an oncologist maybe able to answer this as they have more details about clinical trials, etc.

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prostate cancer, cancer, prostate, zytiga

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