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How long will Dexilant stay in my system? How do I ween off dexilant without withdraw?


angelhip2 29 March 2018

I was on 60mg [-{{Dexilant}}-] for about 3 years and was also told by my doctor to wean off of it. He said that Dexilant is supposed to "teach" your body to produce less acid. That after long term use I could take it every other day... every three days and less and less. Also- diet is a huge consideration. I have completely stopped drinking alcohol and I am on a very alkaline diet. Which I could go on about. I stopped taking the 60mg Dexilant- all together about 2 weeks ago and I switched to 20 mg of an over the counter - time release omeprazole - as needed. Let me tell you.. IT'S WORKING! I barely have to take it! I thought maybe it was because there's still alot of Dexilant in my system but I'm reading it leaves your system in a matter of 24-48 hours (correct me if I'm wrong). I went from incredibly painful heartburn that felt like I was having a heart attack.. to feeling completely normal and all together so much healthier being on an alkaline diet. It DID take 3 years to get here though. To other GERD sufferers- I know your pain! Keep trying until you figure out what's right for you! DIET is VERY important!

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kaismama 2 April 2013

It has a short half life so it won't hang around in your system more then a day. You don't have to wean off of it, it doesn't cause dependance.

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carrie826 2 April 2013

What is the life span? I have been on 60mg for over a year.

kaismama 3 April 2013

You mean half life? Its only like 8 hr. Total time in your body is 5 times that. It doesn't matter how long you are on it, it doesn't cause dependence. There is no reason you can't just stop it.

comment 1 Feb 2014

My doc said to wean off of it To avoid rebound effect.

MommaKO 1 Feb 2017

I realize this question is old but I cant stand to see anyone be misinformed. I have taken Dexilant for over 5 years and am medically trained. On three separate occasions I have had problems with my insurance not wanting to pay for one reason or another, thus I would have to go without. Then within 2 days(without) I would start to wake up due to acid bubbling up in my mouth and it would make me feel like I was drowning. Also it caused uncontrollable vomiting during these short bouts. I have a particularly bad case so that may very well be the reason for my suffering from withdrawal. Every body literally reacts differently (Uniquely so) to any medication. I had to try everything in the book, as they say, before I was able to get my insurance to pay for it. I am diagnosed with GERD. Anyway, the moral of the story is that this particular medication WILL cause withdrawal effects to the tune of increasing acid production among other things.


This increased production of acid will feel 10x worse than any heart burn or acid reflux you have ever experienced. This is a very strong medication so make sure to do good research before accepting taking it. Exhaust all other options because this is an end of the road medication. Also, as I am personally finding out, it is a life-long commitment. Please talk to your doctor if you want to stop taking this medication! free discount card

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