How long should it take to conceive after Lupron Depot?
Question posted by TheQuirkyPanda on 7 May 2012
Last updated on 29 December 2018 by slamina
Hi there, I'm a healthy twenty year old who's dealt with extreme uterine pain since I was nine years old. A hundred doctor visits, two laparoscopies and a cholecystectomy later, no number of doctors has any clue what the root cause of the pain is. The only relief I have ever had is through the use of the Lupron Depot; it entirely alleviates all the pain and it's been a godsend. I've been on the injections for 9 months now, and I take low dose hormone replacement medications to avoid complications like osteoporosis and advanced aging. After being with my fiance for three years, we want to have a little one. However, I am curious to know if anyone could tell me how long to expect to wait before being able to conceive. I would much appreciate any responses I receive about this, and I will be seeing my ob/gyn about the issue in June. Thanks again,
A Curious Panda
Added 7 May 2012:
Excellent news to anyone who sees this question and wonders the same thing. I called a physician and found out that when the four week period for that injection ends, your hormones will start tapering back to normal ranges fairly quickly, and there is a possibility within that next month you will conceive. So within 8 weeks of your last injection, things will be looking pretty optimal! Also! If you don't conceive right away, don't be discouraged. As many as 85% of women coming off of Lupron Depot become pregnant within the first year after their last injection. Such awesome news!!! Hope this helps anyone else who has ever wondered!
I had been on Depo Lupron injections for over 9 months for severe pain during periods and depression. After the 9 months my OB/GYN wanted me to take a break from the shots. He advised me that no contraceptives were necessary for the first month at least. He said the uterine lining is not built back up enough to conceive. 3 weeks later I learned I was pregnant. This goes to show that everyone is different..
Votes: +0
10 Dec 2017
I can’t recommend having the Prostap Lupron injection enough. I tried for a baby, unsuccessfully for two years with my ex in my early thirties and it was a blessing in the end as the marriage wasn’t right. I met my mr right and we got married in April but last Nov I went for an exploratory laparoscopy because I was consistently suffering with UTI’s for over a decade. My gynaecologist found lots of endometriosis and recommended these injections erradicate any endometriosis that might be left. I was really concerned about my fertility, with experiencing symptoms like I was going through the menopause and my periods stopping, so I scoured sites like this to find the answers. Realising that it would take 6 months from the last injection for it to be completely out of my system. We started trying in October and caught pregnant straight away.
I’m still in shock to be nearly 7 weeks pregnant and so pleased that we took the decision to have these injections and how they improved my fertility in conjunction with the laparoscopy procedure.
Votes: +0
9 April 2015
A curious panda and sweetpea602, thank you so much! I really needed to hear that someone else was in my exact same situation. I was given Lupron for 3 months, and while my pain subsided, the hot flashes are the pits! Waiting very patiently for this medicine to be out of my system. Meanwhile, I just got my tubes reversed (I have children from a previous relationship, but my husband has none of his own), and I want to start trying to conceive. Glad to know that there is hope. :)
Votes: +1
8 May 2012
Hello QuirkyPanda!!
I know your excited, I am excited for you :-) I hope you have a little patience for my story, because it's a GOOD one. I was finally diagnosised with endometriosis at the age of 28, I am now 47. Back then (believe it or not..NO one knew anything about endo. it was something doctors where just discovering. It was also an" all male" health agenda back then as well, but that it a different story. I had never had problems with my periods or uterine pain, I took birth control pills because I thought them the most reliable form of birth control. They were not paid for back then by insurance (trying not to get off track haha), so when I started having painful periods and a myriad of other symptoms, the docs didn't know what to do. They wanted to do a d&c or up my pill dosage.
I (always one to believe, listen to your body) told them there was no way I was getting a D&C because I was young and the bleeding was normal to light. My period only lasted 3 to 4 days and I didn't want anymore hormones in me, since I had already been taking bc pills forever. Why at this age was each period getting more excuriating and I was starting to become ill 2 (like the worst car sickness you ever had) weeks before my period. They told me it was my age (28 by then) and i was perimentapausal and should get pregnant right away or have a hysterectomy. My longtime fiance and I had just gotten married, because regardless of the outcome. Richer (poorer w/ med bills) sickness or health, it was the right time in our lifes. That didn't mean someone was going to tell us, "have kids right now, you dont have time to space them out or plan..blah,blah" I promise there's an end to this!! I started doing my own research, and found out about endometriosis and it could have been effecting women for centuries. I finally found an intern that would give me an endoscopy and sure enough I had the big E! The good news was my tubes were not scarred yet. So they gave me a brand new drug called Lupron. There was no low dose hormone therapy. I went straight into full fledged menopause at the age of 28. It was terrible, I did that for 2 years to see if the endo. would go into remission. It didn't, but by then they had provera. I had some other health scares so to make a very long story, short I went w/o a period for 8 years. Remember no hormone therapy, anything. but calcium. I decided enough and I went off everthing. I had gained over 15 pounds, everyone thought I had multiple personalities but my husband still loved me. I went over 12 months w/o any sign of a period, but the doctor warned me that I was still a fertile mryle. I was 35 and I figured, I'm not having a period, I'm losing weight,I feel okay, life is good. Almost 1 year to the date of stopping my medication. Life went from good to great. I found out I was 11 weeks pregnant with our now 10 year old daughter. So be patient, good things come to those who wait!! God Bless and You BETTER let us know, please? Sweetpea
Votes: +1
31 July 2017
Hi.. I know u posted this many yrs ago.. But it has given me extreme hope to be able to have a baby... I am 38. I just had surgery for ovarian cyst removal and endometriosis clean up in Nov. 2016... My endo is extreme so he didnt get too far with the clean up... After the surgery the Dr. suggested Lupron depot shot.. I have not taken it because i thought with it stopping my hormones it would mean i would not get pregnant for sure, so i didnt want to risk it... Now i feel like i wAited too long... I should have taken the shot months ago... Thank you i have my follow up in Sept..2017.. Hopefully i will have so.e luck... Age is not on my side right now... But ur story really has me optimistic..