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Librium - How long does it take Chlordiazepoxide to start work?


mike2003r 2 May 2019

I have been taking Librium since 1972, and try to use it only when I need it. It takes about an hour to feel it's full effects, and it will last for 4 hours. That's using 5mg capsules. Other strengths may vary. Doctors that used to prescribe it freely, have become much more concerned now that they have to enter prescriptions in a database. It's concerning that we may not have necessary drugs soon.

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Kevin1960 30 May 2016

Chlotdiazetpoxide is a benzodiazepine - it's actually the first benzodiazepine ever marketed (under the brand-name Librium in 1960). Chlotdiazetpoxide isn't like an antidepressant - it doesn't need time to "kick in". Librium is somewhat slowly absorbed and reaches peak levels in the bloodstream several hours after taking it It begins to exert anti-anxiety effects about 1-2 hours after ingestion and works for about 6 hours. Librium is broken down by the liver into metabolites that are pharmacologically active. Alcohol and medicines that cause drowsiness shouldn't be used with Chlotdiazetpoxide. It's often used to relieve symptoms of alcohol withdrawal.

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Inactive 3 Oct 2017

I appreciate this answer but feel compelled to make a correction for people who may want to do further research: chlordiazepoxide. Good work though, keepit up! :-) free discount card

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librium, alcohol withdrawal, anxiety, chlordiazepoxide

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