I've recently been diagnosed with a general anxiety disorder. I've always been an off / on anxious person who over thinks everything but due to a 5 week illness the GAD slowly built up on me and then all of a sudden I had 5 days straight of not being able to think straight, feeling trapped, couldn't settle, couldn't sleep, fast heart rate, trembling, tiredness, anxiety attacks, Fogyness the list goes on..
I decided to see my doctor who talked me through the options and I have decided to go down the drug and phycology path.
I have been on 10mg of escitalopram for a 8 days now. I take this in the morning. I was also prescribed diazepam 2mg to take when I really required it ( so far I only took this the first 3 days as I am scared of getting hooked on it)
I've also been to 2 sessions with a anxiety physiologist which I'm finding kind of useful.
So far I'm not feeling much rest bite, though I do notice the first few hours in the morning is the worst, not wanting to get out of bed and my mind running away with itself and a general sadness is overme. This seems to lift slightly in the evening time.
I am really struggling through my job (I work in sales) and have also dragged my ass back to the gym but everything is such a effort it's over whelming.
My questions for those who have have had positive outcomes from this drug or who has been in a similar situations
When do you think I'll notice a more positive outlook? .. I understand everyone is different and the drug takes different time periods to be effective
In your opinion is it best to take morning or night time ?
Man I just want to get back to my old happy self
Thank you for your replies