So my girlfriend and I were having sex and I didn’t ejaculate in but I did all over her vagina. So of course we got the pill right after no more then 2 hours after. So she got her period early she says and that was that. Now coming to her period for this month she is late about 7 days to be exact. Could she possibly be pregnant? We did have intercourse again but we did use a condom... like 3/4 of it during sex. Anyone have this issue?
Late period after my girlfriend took Plan B?
Question posted by Karagon972 on 26 March 2019
Last updated on 27 March 2019
Plan B is a huge dose of artificial hormone. It can cause hormonal symptoms such as irregular periods for a while. It's different for everyone.
As sperm made contact with the outside of her vagina, pregnancy is possible. It can travel up surrounding cervical mucus.
If she didn't wash after your ejaculation, before the next episide of sex, then that could have also allowed sperm to be transported insudd of her from around her vagina.
Plan B is not as effective as regular hormonal birth control, it's simply worth a try in an emergency. It depends on where she was in her menstrual cycle as to how much chance of preventing pregnancy.
Ended up having her period. 9 days late. Thanks for the help.
You're very welcome.
I've seen women here who get a bleed that seems like a period (sometimes what looks like multiple monthly periods) during the first few months (sometimes longer) of pregnancy, so would recommend doing a pregnancy test in a few weeks time, to be sure.
I'd recommend sorting out some longer term contraception, as relying on emergency contraception is a lot for her body to deal with, & is likely to result in pregnancy, if she isn't already.
Thank you for the update. All the best.
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plan b one-step, emergency contraception, sex, period, pill, late period, girlfriend
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