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Imbruvica - Is there a specific length of time for taking Ibrutinib? Chemo was six months?


Bmhrah 21 Nov 2014

My husband's Dr. Said you take it until either it stops working or it becomes toxic. Some people
In trials have been on it over two years. It is not a limited therapy like chemo; it is a daily medicine.
Hope you are having a good response.

Votes: +0
KPanthen 21 Nov 2014

I have been on it for 7 months. In remission. I was told they will monitor me every three months with bloodwork in between. I am stable and counts are all normal. Hopefully they will developed a time release dose that will be better and cheaper. Its working for a big majority of its users.

Bmhrah 21 Nov 2014

Glad to hear you are in remission. My husband has been on 3 months, so we are hoping white count will start going down; other counts are good.

Ani451 19 Aug 2017

I've been on Ibrutinib for 3 years, doing fine. I have had some weird side effects. free discount card

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