... hydrocodone and feel anything..i have been on suboxone now for 8 months at first it was ok but now im pretty miserable,and the way i want to deal with this misery is to take hydrocodone.so if anyone know how long im going to stop taking subs today so someone give me an answer who knows how long..thanks
I would like too know ,how long do you have to wait after taking suboxone,before I can take?
Question posted by till33 on 30 June 2010
Last updated on 5 October 2010
3 Answers
Sorry, but it sounds to me as if you're looking to get that high feeling back. You said at first the subs were ok but now your miserable. And how long before you will "feel anything" with the hydro's. Nowhere did you mention pain, dependency, or why you want off the subs (other than "miserable") Like the first 2 answerer's said, you have built up a very high tolerance to opiates because of the subs. They block the effects of opiates. I'm sure you know that and that's why you want off the subs. If you want back on opiates, you'll need something a lot stronger than hydros and you'll have to wait at least a few weeks or longer to "feel" any effect (if at all) If you try to use opiates too soon, not only will they not work, you'll risk overdose if you take more and more to get that "feeling" back. By the way, what does your doctor think about this switch? Why do you think hydro's is the best way to deal with misery? Maybe you should ask your doctor about anti-depressants instead.
hey i just was having a bad night that carried on to a bad morning..i really want to think you for helping me put things in perspective..im going to keep on the suboxone i am an 11 year addict to opiates i also suffer from major depression ..i am currently on elavil for depression but its just not cutting it..heres the thing my phsychiatrist i dont know why i guess i thought at first he would only treat me for the opiate abuse so for 8 months i have not said a word about depression my neurologist prescribes the elavil.so now im stuck in this game where my sub doc has no clue about the depression..he knows i see a neurologist but just for my seizures..i did not want to bring it up because he made a big deal about benzos so i kept quiet ..i need to stay on them for seizures i also take dylantin..anyway i guess im just going to have to come clean on all of it..again thaks for your push back to reality
Thank you for not biting my head off. You are doing the right thing. You have the best reason anyone can ask for to stay clean... a beautiful daughter! She is worth the fight! Talk with your doc about everything. They are there to help, not hurt you. Stay strong my friend and you will see good things start to happen in your life. You are so stressed right now, and for good reason. Deal with it. Talk with your doctor and believe it or not, coming here and typing out your problems will help you!
Take care and thank YOU for being honest,
I have been taking 2 mg of sub a day to help me get off lortab. However I am on a waiting list to get my own perscription for the sub, and I cannot get anoymore until then. I still have some lortab at home. i just don't want to get sick by waiting for my spot on the waiting list. I am a mother of 3 and work full time. I have only been taking the sub for 2 weeks and 2 mg a day. Will i still be able to take lortab and when? I need a definite answer as I want to be safe. Thanks to all who reply.
Hopeless, if u r comfortable on 2 mgs, go as long as u can on each 2mgs. u may b able 2 go as long as 3 to 5 days b4 the subs wears off, that way u can conserve ur supply. go 2 the suboxone webpage and the company that makes it has a toll free phone number, call them to c if they have any programs to help people like you. u will have 2 wait 3 to 5days b4 the loratabs will work after u r on subs amd then go back intoWD b4 u can start subs again. if u will call ALL the doctors n ur area and check fees and office visits <both price and how frequently the dr. wants to c u> and any other requirements, u may b able 2 find a dr. 4 ur budget. the fees vary wildly. i friended u and i think ChristineATU did as well. she may send u a prvt msg from me, Pattishan61, i can mayb brainstorm and get u some help.
Hopeless, if u r comfortable on 2 mgs, go as long as u can on each 2mgs. u may b able 2 go as long as 3 to 5 days b4 the subs wears off, that way u can conserve ur supply. go 2 the suboxone webpage and the company that makes it has a toll free phone number, call them to c if they have any programs to help people like you. u will have 2 wait 3 to 5days b4 the loratabs will work after u r on subs amd then go back intoWD b4 u can start subs again. if u will call ALL the doctors n ur area and check fees and office visits <both price and how frequently the dr. wants to c u> and any other requirements, u may b able 2 find a dr. 4 ur budget. the fees vary wildly. i friended u and i think ChristineATU did as well. she may send u a prvt msg from me, Pattishan61, i can mayb brainstorm and get u some help.
it wpould probably take a good while since suboxone is an opiate antagonist and is pretty potent. but im just curious,why would you wanna go back on hydrocodone after you've already made it to suboxone. i assume you were put on sub for opiate dependency so i dont understand why you would wanna go backwards and possibly get even more dependant on hydrocodone b/c after being on sub you prob will have to take 4-5x ur previous dose of hydro. anyways,i would say it would take between 10-14 days.
hey i just wanted to say i appreciate your words and you are right im not going off the suboxone,i have thought about it and it would be dumb to turn back especially since in 11 years this is the longest i have been able to stay off them..and if i make it a year the judge will let me start seein my little girl.i have not seen her since her birth and she is 3 now..so again thank all of you for makeing me think about everything
you can take them anytime you want but it will take a good 5+ days before any opiate will work. O doubt a weak opiate like hydrocodone will help much after being on suboxone. Your tolerance will be much higher then it was before you started buprenorphine (suboxone,subutex)...
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suboxone, opiate dependence, hydrocodone
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