... quite heavily. The last year or so my cocaine use has increased alot. I was using every weekend and some times on Thursday. (four days a week)
I usually only crave when I am out drinking and socializing but sometimes it would be pre organized to take it (coke).
I really want to quit this. I have tried before and failed. I have currently stopped using coke for 4 weeks.
I know this is not long and it is unbelievably tough at the moment because I am constantly craving it which increases wen I drink alcohol.
How long will this craving last???
I have found that smoking a cigarette usually around 3 or 4 when out drinking is really helping to control the crave!!
This has suprised me but it is 100% true. Don't get me wrong I don't consider this a long term solution because i don't really like smoking but it is helping me control my crave so I will continue this for now.
I never smoke unless I'm drinking and that is when I crave coke..
I am thinking of trying the nicotine gum to see if it has the same effect on me. I seam to get a hit/buzz of the cigarette and that calms me right down and pacifies me.
It really is controlling my crave there is no other explanation I can think of!!!
Has anyone else had similar experiences???
How long will the crave continue???
I am determined to quit cocaine for good once and for all and appreciate your comments. I have stopped hanging out with 'friend' takers and all my other friends don't use drugs so I think at the moment I am winning. I am getting good support from my wife and friends which is so good.
There are certain people that don't know and cannot know like my boss and close family.
Anyway at the moment there is no sign of a relapse and I think I am doing ok but I know 4 weeks isn't long but as I said I'm determined to quit 1 for myself 2 for my wife 3 for my health and 4 because of the financial implications (£700 spent on cocaine each month) not always this much I guess but some months for sure. Your comments please guys are welcome. Good luck to you all.
I have been taking cocaine for the past 10 years I also used to use ecstacy and I drink alcohol?
Question posted by 0121masea34 on 8 May 2010
Last updated on 24 October 2011
4 Answers
you and i seem to have the same problem. when we get bored, it is all over. i believe we have physiological liking the stuff. we simply like the stuff too much. good luck to you and let me know how your doing.
If your craving increases when you drink, why are you drinking. There are alot of alcoholics who don't drink and this is the same thing. If this leads you to drink you are just sabotaging your commmitment. If you really want this then try quitting the drinking also - I wish you the best of luck. All of this is addictive and you may end up addicted to everything else you use - many of us have.
hi again htwooh! I think he got scared and relapsed. It's been almost 2 months and no reply back. I just wanted to say we all appreciate your common sense, tell it like it is advice.
HI CHRISTINE htwooh here - yeah I just thought the phrase 'taking cocaine' was strange - you take pills but use cocaine - I guess we all phrase it different but the poor guy has to quit drinking for sure.
I realize it's common sense for some of us but maybe this person just wanted some moral support at the time they were trying to quit. Be kind, remember everybody is not as strong as we want them to be.
Hi, male 41. I was addicted to coke for 15 years went into many programmes none of them work until i found one that lasted a year (i lved there 4 1 year).
Been sober for 8 years now.
The problem with coke is the booze they r borthers, see you go out and have a drink and right away you want to do some lines, and the other way around you have some coke and start drinking it´s a vicious circle... from my experience.
What you have to do first is go to the doc, and you must stop drinking right away... it is very hard but u have to give up both in order to get your life back on track.
You can still socialize and have a good time, you don´t need substances to be "king for a night"
It´s good what you are doing hanging out with no users, I lived in the UK and Know how the game goes and how expensive coke is, I was doing 3 grams everyday ( had a good income).
Don´t mean to bring u down mate, again from my experience if you don´t seek for professional help u will relapse ( i hope im wrong), maybe not in 2 months or 3 but sooner or later we all fall into the same hole... I am being realistic not pesimistic... again, and i want to help you and i am persistant seek for profesional help and join a support group... get a safety net... and there are meds for both alcohol and coke cravings and withdrawls.
Have faith, courage, strength, believe in yourself and have the cojones to do what must be done.
You have a family and your wife´s support don´t lose them like I lost two marriages because of this poison!
I wish you the best and write back anytime u want mate
well from what i heard doing coc is like benzo and i quit and was on it for 2 1/2 yrs and abused it if i can stop so can you the craving never stops only pain and withdrawl stops have to committed and want to stop forever i smoke to i will stop when iam done with withdrawl to hard right now i recently stopped all meds givin to me detox off ant depressent friends told me to who have been addicted so iam. But anyways i would detox like iam go to your hospital and order to be detoxed if you have someone to be there 24/7 i would do it at home if not go to rehab.
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