I had to take a pre-employment hair test and they took samples from my chest and had me re-test. because they didn't have enough hair the second test was with pubic hair, I about a month ago took one puff of mariujuana from my neighbor at a barbeque will that show positive? All I do is drink but in the last past year I have smoked before will they go back a year? What is the normal cut off date for a pre-employment hair test?
How long can drugs be detected in your hair - I have a pre-employment hair test?
Question posted by rayrat on 9 Sep 2010
Last updated on 4 August 2017 by Aquariusnos
7 Answers
What? Not super reliable or responsible? Flighty? Easily distracted? Lol... go figure
Why do the users here always post and then never reply. Thats so annoying
Unfortunately drugs can always be detected in your hair there's absolutely nothing you can do about it except shave your head they basically cut it into 1-inch pieces and for every 1 inch piece accounts for 2 weeks of your drug use and that goes all the way down to the tippy tip of your hair so if you're trying to be one I would suggest shaving your head getting clean and growing more clean hair sorry I don't have a better option for you but they've gotten really good with the hair drug screen thing
I used the shampoo I bought on-line, cost me over$100.00 but it worked. So yes there is stuff out their that will help.
Ron68 what shampoo did you use I need to get some
Every 1/2 inch contains 30 days of information.
If the collector took a hair 1 inch long they can detect any drugs consumed on the last 60 days... if the hair was 1 1/2 inch, 90 days and so on.
Sometimes marijuana doesn't show on a hair test.
Marijuana sure does show up in a hair folical test, it did for me when I was on probation, I even tried one of those hair cleaners from the smoke shop. My hair folical test went back 90 days and I did smoke pot daily. I ended up in jail for 30 days
Lol for as long as ur hair is attached to ur body, it's saved In the hair like a record of what uv done, I actually showed up for a work ordered drug test, there was 8 of us and it was told to us it was a hair test, one of the guys showed up completely shaved! Eyebrows, legs, pubs, everything! Smooth as a babies ass
Regardless of what may be in your system, if they were unable to get ANY hair sample, that is regarded as an automatic fail or grounds to dismiss you from potential employment with that company.
They Can't do miss me from employment just because I can't provide enough hair, that's not my fault. And if it happens twice it's an automatic pass. I work for a Union employer. You should make sure you have all the facts together before you decide your next move. Good luck.
One puff? or several, be realistic so we can help you, I am not judging you at all.
Hair foillicle test shows everything up to 90 days.
Realistically speaking, I believe it will be positive.
Take care.
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