I'm pretty sure this was the A1C test. I know it has to be done again. The # was 121. Just how high is that? Is it "watch it high". Start meds High. I guess it's not panic high. My better Doc hasn't seen it yet. The Doc who saw it simply said try to get more exercise, and lose some weight.
I'm a little familiar with diabetes because my father had it. But he died in 1976 so I don't know what the numbers mean. I know what's not good to eat. My problem is I have so many med issues staying away from the bad foods is going to be very hard. I may have to take meds.. Someone please help.
An A1C above 6.5% is considered in the diabetes range. Normal blood glucose levels are generally below 140.
Votes: +0
14 Sep 2014
I could use more advice since the Docs haven't helped at all. Such as what would I feel like if I eat the wrong things and my sugar goes too high? I felt so sick a few nights ago I almost went to the ER. I ate pancakes made with white flour. I then became very cold, and shaky. A few hours later I was better. If I'm going to use some bread for a chicken sandwich, isn't whole wheat the best, or no? I don't eat dairy products except in coffee and cereal. I got in the habit of half and half. Is that super terrible?
I'm fighting a lot of illnesses at once, and the 2 Doc's I use aren't very helpful. The extreme exhaustion is a major problem to live with. Maybe diabetes is causing this? If I don't eat Raisin Bran cereal, I can't have BM's. They told me diverticula causes this.
Can anyone offer advice?
Votes: +0
14 Sep 2014
Lots of things cause constipation. You probably had a high blood sugar when you ate the pancakes. Anything that has carbs will push it your blood sugar up. All food can raise it but carbs do it faster. Meat, eggs and cheese are good, even peanut butter. They have protein. protein levels your blood sugar. Sweets are a nono. Signs of high blood sugar are Increased thirst. Headaches. Difficulty concentrating. Blurred vision. Frequent urination. Fatigue (weak, tired feeling) Weight loss. Blood sugar more than 180 mg/dL.
14 Sep 2014
Thank you.
10 Sep 2014
Thor. You have quite a few battles going on. You need to balance protein with carbohydrates, the white flour and muffins, and so forth. There is help out there. I don't know where you live, but any church can help find food for you. Clothes are there as well and these things are free. Do what it takes to get to any church, you don't have to be part of it and ask for help. In the US and many countries there are social services available to help. Libraries have free internet. If you are going to be on the streets go to a shelter instead. We have free dental clinics in USA and so do other countries. Sometimes they are once a year. Some dentists offer free service for people needing help like you. You need a friend to get you places. Volunteers are there as well.
Votes: +1
12 Sep 2014
I live in a suburb of lower NYS. I have a HUD apartment and this year the government lowered HUD's allowances. This was passed to us and my rent went up $115. I could use someone who would drive me places. I'd even give gas money, but that's all I could do. I'm on SS Disability, but it's still below poverty levels. So welfare is out. Maybe I could get Food stamps, but I need a way to get there. I don't think we have free dental clinics. Everything is sliding scale. I think whole wheat pancakes might help, but the local food mart doesn't carry them. I'll have to ask if they could get them for me.
Thank you for being concerned.
9 Sep 2014
A normal A1C is 4.0- 5.7. Pre-diabetes is 5.8-6.4% and diabetes is 6.5% or higher (and these numbers may give or take a 10th of a percent from lab to lab) but even really high is usually less than 15%. I think one of the highest I've seen is around 13% so 121 is probably your actual blood glucose level which is higher than normal. Normal is less than 100 so at 121 you are a little high and if that is a pretty normal level for you your A1C would be somewhere in the 6. (something)% area. Probably around 6.4% or so but if you have higher spikes under non fasting conditions (I assume this 121 reading was fasting?) your A1C may be higher.
The main things to watch are carbs, especially simple carbs-things that are sugary or starchy-white flour products, things made with sugar, alcohol, potatoes, rice, corn-things like that so it shouldnt really affect your ability to eat food-you just have to be more careful about what you eat and choose limited carbs that have high nutrient value like fruits, whole grain products etc have more nutritional value than say candy or white flour products which would be higher in sugar and starch and have less nutrients for the amount of carbs they contain.
Votes: +2
9 Sep 2014
Also exercise is important. Any exercise. You dont have to join a gym or be able to lift weights. Swimming and walking are very good to help keep blood glucose levels down.
10 Sep 2014
Well ladies, I have much more info and it's not good. The lab who did the blood tests used a scale of 65 - 99 for normal, and I was 121. BUT below that they wrote in 6.1 and circled it.
The worst thing is the foods. I knew white flour turns into starch and then sugar. I didn't know about rice, but I rarely eat rice. I do eat potatoes but I prefer the sweet ones. Yellow. Are they worse? I can't eat almost any vegetables. I can't digest them.
Due to losing almost all my teeth, and no money to fix them, I eat mostly mush. Frozen pancakes, dry, out of the toaster is my main food. I like Buttermilk. Aunt Jamimia (sp) makes whole wheat pancakes, but they're more expensive and hard to get. And I no longer have a car. So I have to buy what a small mart sells.
I was eating Raisin Bran because without it I can't have a BM. Actually the raisins do the trick, and they're full of sugar. I can also eat Dunkin Donuts Honey Bran Raisin muffins. Are they any better?
I think most folks would kill themselves if they had to eat only the few things I can. I also can't chew most fruit. I'm starting on baby food. But it's so expensive, and I live below poverty.
Even walking is difficult due to no decent sneakers. And there's more problems too. I have Demyelinating Disease, and my right side almost always hurts.
I may lose Internet service this week, so if I don't come back, that's why.
10 Sep 2014
Oh dear, everything you're eating is wrong. You do need protein. Food banks help out allot with that. Have you applied for food stamps and welfare?
Its not the A1C. A number that high would have freaked out even the calmest dr. That was your FBS. They don't do A1Cs unless you are a known or suspected diabetic. 121 is only a small bit elevated and it will have to be watched, but nothing more. Sometimes medications you are on can elevate it too. A little more exercise and drinking plenty of water can very well lower it.
Votes: +1
9 Sep 2014
That is your blood glucose level, not A1c. 121 is high for a fasting glucose which i ndicates diabetes. Changing diet and losing weight is best aside from taking a med such as metformin.