I have GAD and was on sertraline for 8 years, felt I didn’t need it anymore. So I weaned off of sertraline starting July until December 2021. Big Mistake! The anxiety came hurling back. So I restarted sertraline at 25 mg for 1 week, then 50 for 5 week, totaling 6 weeks back on sertraline. The past 6 weeks have been absolute hell on earth, increased anxiety, a 6 week long panic state. One of my my questions is, is this normal? Shouldnt it at least have gotten a little better? went back to my doctor yesterday and he thinks that the 50 is too much and told me to reduce to 25mg. I did that this morning and I think it’s helping but I can’t say because there is nothing ever instant with sertraline. And my other question is does this sound like a good idea to drop to 25mg after 6 weeks?