Please help! A year ago I started getting cystic acne on my neck and then I noticed oily skin and acne on my back and then my hair started shedding. I used to only have to wash my hair once every four days and it has gotten to the point that I now have to wash every single day. I'm experiencing scalp burning the more oily I get and I can't stop my hair from falling. I got all my hormones tested and it came back that I have high dhea and testosterone levels and my endocrinologist dismissed me and said this is the new me and refused to help me. It's been a year now and I've lost half of my hair on my head. I've always had thick long nice hair and it's devastating. I have acne on my face neck back and even now upper arms. I have chin hairs as well. I have been reading about spironolactone and am considering finding a doc that will give it to me. I have 3 kids and a husband and it's getting very hard just to live day to day life. Ive tried natural things like testoquench and am on saw palmetto now but no change. I feel like I'm at the end of my rope and just need my hair to stop falling out.
I found out I have high male hormones and hair loss should I take spironolactone?
Question posted by Jessln on 13 Dec 2016
Last updated on 26 January 2017
3 Answers
You might want to get connected with a dermatologist. This will help make sure you've got the right diagnosis. Spironolactone only helps androgenetic alopecia, also called female pattern thinning.
It is possible to have high hormones and have another diagnosis so keep in mind we don't diagnose hair loss purely from blood tests.
I would encourage you to speak your physician and pharmacist about spironolactone. It does not cause hirsuitism (in fact it's used to treat hirsuitism).
Side effects include dizziness, mood changes, breast tenderness, breast enlargement, fatigue, decreased libido, irregular periods, hair shedding. It must never be used by women who plan to become or who may become pregnant - it can harm the baby.
A dermatologist can order blood tests for thyroid, iron, zinc, hemoglobin and various autoimmune parameters if deemed necessary. These may have already been done. Your dermatologist can also advise on other options including minoxidil and low level laser and can help with what sounds like seborrheic dermatitis. I can't encourage you enough to first get an accurate diagnosis and then proceed from there.
Hi, I only mentioned hirsutism as one girl six months ago complained that was given it for her hair thinning and was horrified that she went on to develop excessive dark facial fluff that had never been there ever in such thickness or vigour. She said that if she had known she would come out of it with a beard and moustache, she never would have taken it. Anecdotal? Yes, but when SSRI's first came out and I complained about hypermania I was told I was a liar. 25 years later and it is well documented.
My experience was nasty as my Liver doctor insisted I take two diuretics for ascites but Spironolactone is devastating for a man with abnormally low Testosterone levels and apart from gynecomastia and making all male body hair fall out, it has taken six years to start recovering from 6 weeks of dosing.
Hi, I've been taking spironolactone, it is the generic form of Aldactone. You are given it when your body is producing to much aldosterone which it produced in the heart and burns all of the potassium in your system. I am a heart patient and take it as a potassium sparing diuretic. The condition that you are describing is one of an over active thyroid condition. It is also a sign that your pituitary gland isn't working properly.
Thank you for responding! Its funny you said something about overactive thyroid because i had my thyroid checked twice in the last year and it was .4 and both doctors I went to said it was with in range and it wasn't that... they said "range" started at .3 and I did some research on the symptoms of hyperthyroid and it seems I have a lot of them..can't sleep, hyper, have been looking weight and too skinny even though I eat a lot and so on. I just don't understand by me being one point away from what they consider "normal range" but I'm having all these symptoms why they won't help me. I didn't know thought that high male hormones had to do with hyperthyroid..In the last year I have been to an ob/gyn, multiple times, an endocrinologist and a homeopathic doctor and it seems like none will help me or can give me a correct settings diagnosis at least.
The Endo and homeopathic doc said it could be possible but that they are confused because I don't have all symptoms women with pics normally have like being over weight and I have no problem conceiving and apparently women with pics are heavy and can't get pregnant. It's so frustrating. I called my ob/gyn yesterday and told him I have to do something and I want to be put on something that will lower my male hormones to see if it will lessen my symptoms and he agreed to discuss options with me so we will see what he says. I just feel like I don't know what step to take..
Sorry about all the typos! I was typing fast but it was supposed to say they weakly diagnosed me with pcos
Possibly yes as it is a medication of first resort, but even women need to be careful as it can cause hirsutism on the face so keep a close eye as Spironolactone works fast. Some side effects can last for 5 years or more.
Thank you for you know what kind of side effects?
Related topics
acne, alopecia, spironolactone, skin, male, hormone, oily skin, neck, hair, hormones
Further information
- Spironolactone uses and safety info
- Spironolactone prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Spironolactone (detailed)
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