Hi want_to_be_heard,
Nice name. It's so very true!
I can SO relate to your question.
I'm to, medical care has not caught on that the system doesn't work for pain and chronic illnesses.
Between the underestimated visit length, computer being looked at throughout your visit and the return in 3 months, I was going mad!
To me it meant,”Ok keep suffering for 3 months and we will see how you are at that point”. Yeah, right. Like we have done the last year?
I'm done venting. Thanks for listening.
I don't personally know about San Diego area. I would recommend that you go to a university hospital.
At least you get to talk to the intern who has more time. He relays to your MD what you said and he picks up on the major clues before he comes in to the room.
They make it easy to see specialists and they have access to your chart.
They have all the resources you need like support groups, etc.
Don't you have the University of San Diego? I've heard they are big into research too.
You could start with the Pain Center.
Let me warn you they will try everything first prior to addictive meds. The way it's supposed to be.
They usual have counselor’s to meet your emotional needs. They are trained in pain management and can anticipate your needs.
I wouldn't go back to your surgeon. Their interested in cutting with a follow up but not good with social skills. Oops! I should not label! Lol...
Read all about your condition. You want to appear educated in your symptoms. Take someone with you! Important!
You should project open-mindedness in their suggestions. Do NOT give them any reason to think you are drug seeking. It will be determined by them very soon which will interfere in your relationship.
Keep a Pain Journal & Symptom Journal to take with you.
Write down everything you want to say. Believe me, if you are in pain you are desperate and the visit is time limited. You don't want to get home realizing you forgot something important.
If you need more info, just private me and ill do my best.
Don't let another 3 months go without changing your medical care. I'm saying this for a reason. Life is short unless, you are living with chronic pain.
I'll be praying for you. Best wishes.