Hello everyone this is what happens to me and I was wondering if it happens to anyone else.
I am driving in my car and I have to stop at the lights or park the car. Either way the car is stationary; but to me it feels as if the car is rolling backwards. I check that I have the foot brake on and the hand brake on but it still feels that it is rolling backwards. It is even worse if I have to stop on a hill. Even when I open the door to get out of the car it still feels like it is rolling backwards. Does this or anything similar happen to everyone?
Fibromyalgia & Chronic Myofasical pain – Rolling car effect?
Question posted by Emeraldgirl on 18 Oct 2013
Last updated on 29 July 2021
14 Answers
This post is old, but for anyone who is having this issue get your eyes checked. I started noticing this once in a blue moon as soon as I started driving as a teenager. Decades later it’s became more frequent. My vision has now also started jumping (like something out of a horror movie), blurry, & flashes in vision. Literally thought I was going crazy. Anyway I found out I have a condition where one eye is not moving at the same speed as the other. This is not something you can visually see. The eye muscle is week. The condition can be corrected with eye exercises & prism glasses. If you already wear glasses the prisms can be put into your prescription lens. On a side note just incase it may be associated I was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease two years ago.
Thank you so much for replying to this. I just stumbled on to this. My 18-year-old daughter just started experiencing the rolling backward thing while a passenger with me.
Just 2 weeks ago she had some lab work done that showed she may have an auto immune disease and we have an appointment with a rheumatologist on August 4. So do you believe the backward rolling is associated with auto immune disorder? I’m so scared for her. She’s just a baby my only baby.
By any chance are you taking gabapentin? If you are quit as it creates issues in some people concerning the operation of a motor vehicle. It’s possible another medication is causing this effect. Seroquel isn’t great and messes with motor control and spatial behavior quality.
Yes! I have experienced that. I wonder why and I just read about balance problems of the inner ears. I will definitely bring it up to my doctor next time I visit.
I don't understand that but that happens to sometime also I just can't answer that I need help to
Hi. I just googled the rolling backwards phenomenon and saw your post. Yes, that happens to me too !! It started for me around 2005 or 2006. It would happen in my car but also when I am just standing somewhere.
It is more frequent and more pronounced lately. Two days ago I was walking with a friend and as I was going forward I had a strange feeling of sliding backwards like I was on a conveyor belt. It was very disconcerting to walk forward but feel like you are going backwards at the same time.
I believe it has to do with processing emotional trauma. . . . but just my speculation. ☺
It has not happened lately, but I can feel it's there. I forget to. Take my motion sickness pills.
One day I was in Walmarts all of a sudden the floor started spinning, if I moved I would appear drunk.
I just start having this happen to me, stuck in traffic, but the left hand lane starts moving forward and if I am looking in that direction it seems as if my car is going back fast. I check the rear view mirror and no one is reacting, the first time this happened I ran into the back of a semi truck, he did not know this and everyone in traffic acting like nothing had taken place.
So once I stopped to get gas I checked my car and sure enough I hit that truck, it just looks like I rubbed against something.
It happened twice in one day, another time of course, this time I turned my car off, heart racing the works.
After reading about it I brought some motion sickness over the counter medication. This is very scarey, so now I have anxiety because I am waiting for it to happen, so I try to avoid eye contact with moving traffic and try to keep my vehicle moving if possible.
Yes I feel this way very often to Austin as a matter of fact. The doctors I've been hospitalized the doctors haven't found any reason have your doctors found a reason for your condition please help me I feel so lost so hopefully I know there is God but I need help please help me. Please respond thank you.
YES, this has been happened to me for the past two weeks. The only difference is that I feel like I am still moving forwards (where you feel backwards motion). It is starting to freak me out. Like you, I double check my brake each time and I know I am STOPPED but my body feels like I am still moving. I hate it.
Hi Jennifer,
I've had the same feeling but I'm going forward! Lol
It happened first when I was on a stretcher waiting to go for an MRI.
I closed my eyes while traveling down the long hall. It seemed quiet to me so I opened my eyes only to find I was in a corner with a curtain pulled.
I guess we should add it to the bizarre symptom list of a bizarre syndrome !
Hi Emeraldgirl,
Need your help. I felt the same today and searched internet and found you feeling the same.
I could not believe myself pressing ft break as hard as I can and even the hand breaks and still felt car is rolling backwards, which scared me to hell.
Please rspond how are you feeling now after treatment. I am very scared.
Hi aksax
I think you might have a trigger point in your neck muscle which is SCM( Sternocleidomastoid Mussle). I couldn't drive a car for over a year and a half. I found a comment about SCM trigger point massage online. I followed the YouTube video and masagged my neck. I was hundred percent cured. I'm driving fine now. Please search SCM trigger point massage in YouTube and Google. You will be better for sure.
Hi there. This is happening to me all the time. It is really bad when I am on an incline but this feeling is not limited to inclines. Its as though my car is rolling and about to hit the vehicle behind me. I know the car is not rolling cos I have my brake in but this sensation of rolling is there and it does not go away. My heart pounds... I just dont know what this is... Pls help
Hello sweetsherry - I have read your experience. I am currently unwell. But hoping to recover by tomorrow so I well address your experience then.- Take care
Hello again sweetsherry - I can only talk about what I think the cause of my problem is/was; thus this may not be the cause of your symptoms and I would advise you to see your Dr. What I discovered by having a passenger with me is that the car had in deed on two occasions (always two) rolled backwards. From that point on whenever I stopped the car it always felt that I was rolling backwards. Why was this happening? In my case I put it down to Proprioceptors (PR) found in the muscle, joints, tendons and organs. I have Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascal pain. These conditions are known to affect PR. PR work in conjunction with our other senses, vision, balance, nervous system and brain etc. PR is the unconscious perception of our ‘body parts’ to recognize, activate, and coordinate themselves in relation to its other ‘body parts’ and the environment.
PR are sensitive to pressure and tension (and other things); thus although I felt the pressure and tension of my foot firmly on the brake and my brain was being told the same information my vision/balance did not question this even though the car WAS rolling backwards prior to applying the handbrake. But after the second time this happened my vision/balance did question if this information was correct and decided that it was incorrect and I was rolling backwards when I was not. Now that I am aware of this it has stopped. The only exception is when I park on an incline; not every time but I am almost fully out of the car before I have realise that IT IS rolling backwards, I didn’t put the hand brake on!! But I did not realise that it was moving!! I hope this makes sense I found it hard to simplify PR. You could try bringing a passenger with you if you have not tried this already – good luck
Hi sweetsherry
I think you might have a trigger point in your neck muscle which is SCM( Sternocleidomastoid Mussle). I couldn't drive a car for over a year and a half. I found a comment about SCM trigger point massage online. I followed the YouTube video and masagged my neck. I was hundred percent cured. I'm driving fine now. Please search SCM trigger point massage in YouTube and Google. You will be better for sure.
You ciukd have a biut of Vertrigo. I had that for months and it was no fun at all. Best of luck to you!
Thank U for your response and a warm welcome back to DC, plus a Happy New Year 2 U. I am now finally receiving treatment 4 my CMP&FM. I forgot 2 mention this 2 my PT (I wonder why, lol), but will do when I C her next week. I go through periods of when it is active and times when it is not. Currently it is not active and has not been 4 a while - Take care
Yes, I have to agree with the others. The only time it has happened to me is when the car beside me is moving. Otherwise not. You should talk to your doctor about it. Good luck.
Thank you Sara. I am due to see my Rheumatologist next month will mention it then. To be honest I didn't take it seriously, in terms of a health issue. More concerned about rolling back into the car behind me! Thank you for your input.
Thanks for your response back. Yes, to have it happen often and even when you open the door sounds very disconcerting. It sounds like there may be something neurological that needs to be addressed. You take care.
Thank you Sara. Thinking about it now, one of the reason why I didn't take it seriously is that when I was reassuring Fibromyalgia (I had not been diagnosed at that time). An author stated that you can feel as if you are banking when going round corners in your car. This was happening to me. So I just thought the rolling backward thing was a variant of that. I don't know whether to see my GP or discuss with Fibromyalgia Reumatologist?
Whichever doctor you see sooner, I would ask. Then when you get an appointment with the other one, I would ask again. Sometimes different doctors have different ideas. I found that out seeing 3 different doctors about my 24/7 clenched up toes.
That is a good idea Sara. Thank you.
EG, I agree with Sara, you may indeed need a neurologist.
Thank you ladies I will make an appointment to see my doctor and take it from there. I feel rather silly now for not taking it more seriously. But that is where you guys come in! Thanks a lot
Hey EG,
Will you please let us know how it goes, when you've seen the doc about this phenomenon?
Yes I will
Take care
I'm with lara on this one. I've had that feeling, but when someone else along side is rolling forward. Our eyes play tricks on us sometimes. If this happens often I'd mention it to my dr.
Hello KM, thank you for answering my question. I will have to check to see if it happens when along side another car. I know it happens when I am not along side another car. Your right. it is like my eyes are playing a trick on me. To be honest I thought about listing this question for a long time. I am pleased that I did now because I would have never of told my doctor about it.
Hi EmGirl,
May I ask how often this happens? I'd guess that everyone has had that odd feeling before, but not often, it usually happens (to me) when the car next to me is in motion, but that is not the case with you, is it?
Your friend,
Hello Mac12 I hope you are OK. I have just slept for 5 hours! Addressing the question: It happens all time now. It never use to, it was occasionally and it didn't last as long as it does now. Also it never use to happen when I opened the car door like it does now either. Frantically checking the brakes may not do me any favours! Thank you for answering my question.
Take care
Hi EmGirl
I think you might have a trigger point in your neck muscle which is SCM( Sternocleidomastoid Mussle). I couldn't drive a car for over a year and a half. I found a comment about SCM trigger point massage online. I followed the YouTube video and masagged my neck. I was hundred percent cured. I'm driving fine now. Please search SCM trigger point massage in YouTube and Google. You will be better for sure.
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