I get 15 patches every month. My perspiration is terrible if I move around a lot and then my patch seems to fall off. When this starts, how can I make it stay on? I seem to loss them often and have to put a fresh one on.
Fentanyl - How Can I Get My patch to Stay On?
Question posted by shirley hogner on 7 May 2013
Last updated on 30 December 2018
16 Answers
Before applying patch clean your skin with rubbing alcohol. While the alcohol is drying hold the unopened patch between palms to warm it, then press the patch to your skin keeping the pressure on for at least 30 seconds. It should be strong enough to stay on. If it doesn't stay on go to a pharmacy and ask your pharmacist to recommend a waterproof tape to tape around the edges. Also some brands have overlay dressing they can supply to go over the top of the patch.
All the tape does is hold the edges the middle still releases and if u put the tape across the entite patch thr tape pulls the centre of the patch away immefiatly..anybody know the basicd of physics
So... do you have a solution to the problem or do u just like to see yourself on the forum. Come on, offer something useful. ADDRESSED TO MR/MS SUNDAWG
I don't recommend cleansing with alcohol and the instructions on the box will tell you the same. This can cause it to adhere TOO well and it could tear your skin when removing.
I clean my skin with alcohol, shave my skin & apply the patch as recommended & it never stays on longer than 12 hours.
Some awesome advice thank you
Mine fall off too. I buy Micropore tape. I tape the entire patch, not just the edges. I now bath less often. More sponge baths. It sucks, but my doctor will not give more if they fall off.
Number 1, you need to secure a new patch when applying it, so you do not lose it.
Number 2, apply Hypafix® tape (4 in x 10 yds Roll), it sells at Amazon for $13.64. I just cut off 3 inches from the roll (you will have a 4 inch by 3 inch rectangle of the tape), cut a square in the middle with a razor blade just the size of the medicine part of the patch. Clean your skin where the tape will be going and apply the tape over the patch. I have no idea why the manufacturer of Fentanyl says it is very important not to cover the entire patch with tape, but that is why I cut a square in the middle of the tape. ***Hypafix tape is fantastic, IT WILL NOT COME OFF UNTIL YOU TAKE IT OFF. Plus it is very good for people that have sensitive skin.
For females, I placed my patches under my breasts for two reasons. First, it's a warmer environment under there, so the medication works well (and this does not overdose - this was recommended by my physician). Second, my bra kept it held in place securely. I also used the common techniques of using it on skin cleaned with soap and water, and held it in place for 30 seconds to allow the adhesive to bond with the skin.
For men, the patch must be applied in an area where they have little to no hair growth, such as just on their back not far from the shoulder. It's also important to put it in an area that doesn't flex too much (i.e. through walking, so an area like the buttock wouldn't be terribly appropriate, despite being mostly hairless and at an advantage because of being held on by briefs).
An important tip is to make sure you change sides each time you change the patch so you don't have skin breakdown, and you give that area of skin 3 days to breathe before applying another patch. I would apply mine to different areas to the underside of my breast, rotating like a semi-circle, to keep the breast tissue healthy.
I hope this helps! :0)
I know this is an old question but it's still relevant. Mylan agreed to send me a cover with easy reorder instructions. My pharmacist ordered my Actavis brand that exactl month (gee thanks) the refuse to send anything and the patch fell off 2 hours after putting it on. At least Mylan gave me a couple days use. The best they would do is send me back my co-pay. Thanks Actavis let me stick that Copay to my pain. Anyways avoid Actavis is you have that option. The patch is very stiff if makes noise every time you move drawing attention to the fact that you have the patch on, it does not stick and they won't help with the patch covers.
Put some tape around the edges and a "x" of tape thru center, won't fall off and won't make noise. Bern doing this for 10 years without a issue!
Just be sure to use breathable tape and only enough to keep the patch on- using waterproof tape or those square patches designed to keep a wound clean in the shower is NOT good. I was using those, thinking that the waterproof square was perfect, since it keep my patch on in the shower and all day, kept it in place and stayed on for 3 days, until I realized that my meds were stopping their effectiveness after 2 days, and the pharmacist yelled at me and let me know that anything that causes heat to build up around the patch will cause more medication to release... ugh. If you use generic patches and not the Duragesic, some brands are stronger and don't tear as easily when tape is removed from them repeatedly to put new tape on, while others have better sticking power to keep them on; the Actavis/Watson brand is very good with adhesion and can be removed and stuck on a few times without using tape, but they tear more easily than other brands.
Likewise, other brands fall off after half a day, but are very sturdy and don't tear as easily. If you are having trouble with the patch staying on, you should try a few different brands and see which works best for you- my pharmacist gave me several brands in my prescription when I first started on the patch, to see which stuck better.
I too am in the same boat as you Shirley. There are various sizes of an adhesive patch called TEGADERM. 3M NEXCARE just recently made these WATERPROOF AND TRANSPARENT pataches available at WALGREEN'S. However the cost for a box of 10 cost $11.99 plus tax. I have found while these are of some help perspiration loosens the patch. An RN friend suggested a larger size of patch may solve the problem. Please go to AMZAON.COM. there will be various sizes. I hope this is of a help to you.
I have been on the fentanyl patch for over a year now and have bought Tegaderm and alot of other bandages And tapes. Finally at my wits end not just the loss of money But the loss of my patches as I only get ten a month, I told yet another doctor at the clinic where i get my meds. and he prescribed Flovent inhaler. So ok I'm thinking sure this is gona work,what a waste of time and another patch lost. But guess what it worked..yep it's still stuck on my shoulder right where I put it 24 hours ago..I hope this helps..
You can find the tegaderm film small size—I find one small film adequate for covering even large patches, and when I was on patches up to 37.5 I used only half a small sized film. There are also "skin prep" wipes (or even a bottle of skin prep fluid you can use instead of the wipes—I find the bottle a lot less wasteful than the individually packaged wipes) that you can use to help adhere the film, but I don't reccomend putting the skin prep underneath the fentanyl patch itself because it will block the medication from getting through.
Maryredmon690, how does the inhaler help the patches stay on? I seem to only have an issue when the patch is on my right upper arm, even when using tegaderm. Funny, since I'm left handed, you'd think it would fall off that arm more but it doesn't. I buy my tegaderm from Amazon but when I'm having to reapply the patch at least once every day when on my right arm, I'm not sure the large box is going to wind up lasting as long as I'd hoped, especially since my doctor recently upped my dosage and the brand I got from the pharmacy is different so the patch now requires 1.5 tegaderm covers to cover it. I'm not liking the Actavis brand much, other than I do notice the higher dosage helps my pain level quite a bit more and I'm not needing to take as much percocet for breakthrough pain. Also, does anyone know if Actavis offers free covers like Mylan and Mallinckrodt do?
I too would like to know how the inhaler works
I've been using the Fentanyl patch for almost 8 years now and had issues constantly with it falling off or curled up under my clothes. Everyone kept telling me to hold my palm over it for twenty seconds when applying it but that never worked for me. I discovered that maybe my hands weren't that warm so I ran a facecloth under hot water, squeezed excess water out and held the facecloth over the patch for twenty seconds then dried thoroughly and Eureka I haven't had one problem with the patch falling off since then! Good luck I hope it works as good for you as it has me.
Do not clean the spot your going to put the patch on with alcohol. Alcohol with drain the medication out of the patch quicker, Its even on the warning pamphlet inside the box. Do clean it with soap and water, then clean again with just water and a clean wash cloth. press the patch making sure you press firmly around the edges. If you do sweat a lot you may need tegaderm patches to go over the fentanyl patch. Contact the manufacturer for tegaderm patches to place over them.
You can in fact use alcohol on the skin. Just wipe the area of skin first with the alcohol and then let the area completely dry. Since alcohol is a volatile liquid it will quickly dry after wiping, while removing most of any body oil that is present, with it. Then wash with soap and water after the alcohol has been applied and wiped off, and then let this area of skin dry. again. Alcohol combines with any oils to which then helps remove the body oils when wiped off with ta tissue and allowed to completely dry. Next wash with soap and water and dab with a clean hand towel. This skin area will then be clean of any body oils on the skin which may keep the Fentanyl patch from sticking as well as it should stick.
Does the manufacturer send tegaderm to u for free or something?
Vik—you can find various sizes of tegaderm at Walgreens (a bit pricey) Walmart (more reasonable) or Amazon (usually a pretty good deal—be sure you measure your patch if you're ordering them online so you know it's large enough to cover!) or sometimes you can get a few from your nurses at your pain clinic. You may also want to look into "skin prep"—it comes in individually packaged wipes or in a bottle, online or at some pharmacies (I find the bottle less wasteful—the wipes have a lot of liquid for one use). The skin prep helps the tegaderm stick through swimming, bathing, sweating, all sorts of things! Just make sure to use it ONLY under the tegaderm, and not under your patch because it can block the medicine from getting through to you!
I am a nurse that is overweight and I unfortunately sweat a lot. I have found a way to keep the patch in place. The abdomen just above the waist line location works well for me.
Step 1-clean the area with alcohol and let dry.
Step 2- place the Fenanyl patch and apply pressure to ensure it is securely placed
Step 3- wipe the area around the patch with a "SKIN-PREP" protective wipe* and allow to dry
Step 4- cover area with a "Tegaderm Film" 4in x 4 1/2in **
Step 5- optional: use a marker to write the date and time you placed the patch. Write the drug name and dose. This really helps medical professions should you become sick or are in an accident and are unable to speak.
*You can find Skin-Prep wipes online. I buy mine on Amazon. These wipes are used on pations that have colostomy babes to help stick the bag on tight( there are other uses as well).
** Tegaderm Film can also be purchased online through Amazon. I prefer a large film, if it does roll up at the edges some the patch is still very covered.
Good Luck!!!
I as well had thisproblem more in the summer from sweating..i tried everything even thought i was overdoseing from replaceing the patches all the time... asked pharmacy and even contacting the compny..but finaly found a solution... pay attention.this is the only way..buy a tencer bandage wrapp it aroind ur bisept .first place the patch on tricept. And pin it. Make sure not to tight .not to lose after 24 hours remove tencer as the wormth will extract medicine faster..i found after talkking wth my dr.instead of exchanging patch every 3 days i put a lower dose on and replaced every two days. U deffinnatlycan feel the medicine if u leave thee tencer on all the time. .if u place it corectly a tshirt will cover the tencer and no one will be the wizer.
Hi my name is Jan I am now a returning member but not to this group. I was recently prescribed the fentanyl patch some members told you the exact probably than I am gonna say but the one that stands out is getting your palm really hot by rubbing your hands together and placing your hand on it for 20 seconds or so.
Also you can use the water resistant tape that works "GREAT" for me it is sold in any store well mostly CVS Walgreens places like that pharmacies.
Also do you have someone whom can place the patch on for you when I did it by myself it kept coming off and creasing not sitting flat now I place it on the upper part of my arm so if I flex it doesn't move with no crease either.
My husband put mine on he starts by taking the back off of the top and places it on my arm and then he starts while the upper part is one me he starts to unseal the bottom portion and flattens it out as he pulls the back side off. it is much easier having someone else do it and stays on me when I go into the pool I wear the water proof tape works great to keep it on too.
I did a lot of reading about it for I was scared to use it and it did say "not" to use alcohol to clean your skin just soap and water on a wash cloth and make sure it is very "dry"
ALso they say to not place it in the same spot unless very clean. Hope this helps peace jan
just call the manufacturer and they will send you patch covers.
Tegaderm patch or film. Clear surgical dressing okay to put over the whole patch. Look on EBay to get 20 for around 7 bucks. Well worth it, oh get the 2 3/4 by 3/3/4.
I perspire quite a bit also. I won't presume that what works for me when I use the Fentanyl Patch will also work for you, but I will write the methods I use that keep the patch adhered to my (constantly sweaty) skin.
1. I shower and wash the area well where I plan on sticking the patch. It's good to use a washrag or sponge on this area to wash away the dead skin cells. Mylan, where my patches are manufactured doesn't recommend this or any other specific way. This is just what I've learned works best for me.(I place the patch on my inner thigh, because I don't have any hair there and sometimes the patch will irritate my skin if I place it on my chest, behind my upper arm, or my back. My inner thigh has been the best place I've found.)
2. After showering and cleaning the area thoroughly, I next clean the area even more with rubbing alcohol on a round cotton pad and let it air-dry. I've found this method ensures the area is absolutely clean.
3. While the rubbing alcohol is air-drying, I rub the Fentanyl Patch between both hands for about 10 seconds to warm up the adhesive on the patch so it will stick better.
4. I place the patch on the cleaned area and rub my fingers over it lightly, but hard enough to make sure the patch is adhering to my skin with a firm bond.
5. I use a 2&3/8in X 2&3/4in Tegaderm Film to cover the Fentanyl Patch, making sure I place the film over the patch evenly and without causing any bubbles (which might allow the Fentanyl Patch to come away from the skin in less than 3 days.)
6. That's it. I hope you are able to get some relief from your pain.
I have been using these patches for about 2 & 1/2 years. I do not have an addictive personality, but still I've heard war stories about how difficult it is to ween yourself off and stop using Fentanyl Patches. My Neurosurgeon prescribes me (#30) 100mcg/hour patches per month, in the event that I need to utilize 1 or 2 patches in a 3-day period. It's very rare I will ever use that 2nd patch. However, I also make it a point to stop for one whole month, every three months I'm on these patches, as well as the pill-form medication I take, because I do indeed worry about addiction, even if I believe I would never become addicted. It has always been highly ill-advised by my doctor that I do not stop these medications, because he is aware of the type of injury I have and that it would be brutal if I didn't have something to relieve the pain. (Usually the pain is worse than brutal, to be honest, but the health of my liver, kidneys, heart, and overall health is more important to me.) The odds of not becoming addicted when using such potent pain medication are not in the user's favor. Furthermore, if you need any type of surgical or pain management treatment, you may develop such a high tolerance for pain medication that when you need it most, it won't work as well or perhaps not at all.
I truly wish I didn't need these medications. I've tried just about every therapy, vitamin, and Chinese herb & tea known to mankind and nothing has worked as much as the conventional & synthetic pain medicine treatments.
I'm 38-years-old and I was in a severe vehicle crash just over 3 years ago, in which a drunk driver blind-sided me at 4am, while I was on my way to work and she was on her way home from a night of drinking and drugging at a nightclub. Certainly, this is not the kind of person you or I want to end up like and that's why I hope you will take the same precautions I have when using this very strong medication. I've had 9 back surgeries in three years. I've had my entire lumbar and thoracic spine reconstructed. I had 2 surgeries on my jaw, due to the amount of force her vehicle struck mine, causing the center post of my 2010 Lincoln LS to slam into the side of my head and face, causing a compound fracture to my lower mandible. I sustained several other injuries as well. I was in two different hospitals for a combined 46 days. Please don't screw around with these medications while driving. If you don't care about your own safety, please care about those innocent people who are driving and walking on the same roads with you.
Also, the Tegaderm Film can be purchased in most drug stores. They are quite expensive. My insurance company (Auto Insurance) pays for the Tegaderm and all I require is a prescription from my doctor when I'm filling the Fentanyl Patches. Without a prescription, I believe the Tegaderm is roughly $20-$25 and you don't get very many at all, maybe about 10.
Good luck and I hope you a full recovery from your pain and a near-future day when you don't need any narcotic crap to enjoy life again!
Over and out,
Potato Salad
While most everything above is true and helpful. the one thing I finally realized to make the patch stick is to not shave the area your putting it on. Trim down the hair with scissors or I use a beard trimmer with the number two guard on it. The small amount of hair gives the adhesive more to cling to.
If you use Mylan brand, you can call Mylan and they will send you covers made for the patches. Look at Mylan website and call the 800 number and they will walk you thru the order process. Any other questions feel free to contact me. Jim
Guess what, just found out u can get overlays for Mallenkroft patches also. Here is phone #
Guess what, just found out u can get overlays for Mallenkroft patches also. Here is phone #
pass this around the internet yall, cause i didnt know of only Mylan till this morning, overlays r free once a month with code on box u get.
Yes. i call them each month and they send a supply of the patches. they r great because they r waterproof as well. You have to give them the Lot number on the box.
You can use a patch over it. It is a thin almost clear patch with adhesive on one side. There are several different brands. Most common are tegaderm,opsite and bioclusive.
If you call the 800 inside the box insert, the manufacturer will send you monthly supply of those every month at no charge.
Dear kaismama - What great info. Been on patch since 2009 and never heard of this, and have have problems w/ them staying on as well. I plan to dig for that number immediately. The area they are placed is a major factor also. The muscle of upper arm works best for me, but sometimes dry out and start to peel around the edges. Was told by nurse that you get better absorption on a muscle as well. Any place that moves when you are NOT wearing patch is not a good place to start with.
thanks for that info about calling 800 number. The transdermal patches to put over your fentanyl patch are expensive and since i take baths, well i go through a lot.
So this can really help me save some money or take more baths lol!
I'm on a very limited income and cannot find anywhere I can get these transparent patches, to go over a fentanyl patch, free. I have been unsuccessful in finding any kind of 800 number to call to look into this. If someone does find a number please post. TIA
Just had to change my profile email. Thanks.
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Further information
- Fentanyl uses and safety info
- Fentanyl prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Fentanyl (detailed)
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