I am concerned about start in this drug as will be going on holiday for 8 weeks at the beginning of January, so if I suffer side effects how soon would they occur
Eliquis - Side effects how soon do they occur?
Question posted by Silent an on 22 Nov 2014
Last updated on 12 June 2018
I take 2.5 Eliquis 2 x's a day with no side effects. For me this seems to be the only drug I take that doesn't give me a problem.
Thanks my dose is 5mg twice a day
I am in my 70's and my height is 4ft 11 in & weight is 96 lbs... that might have something to do with it.
I was worried at first too about taking a blood thinner, but I have been taking Eliquis about year and a half w/o a problem.
In Sept. of this year, my husband and I were in Europe four 2 weeks..
I am also in my 70's 6' and about 200lb so that will be a factor in the dose, I live in the uk where medication is free and Eliquis has only recently been approved due to the cost so little information available apart from the patient leaflet which are always cautiousu
I am aso in my 70's but 6' 0 and around 200 lb so this will be a factor in the dose, I live in England where we have a free health service including medication. Eliquis has only just been approved where I live due to the high cost over warfrin and I'm the first to be prescribed it so a bit worried.
I take 2.5 Eliquis twice a day. The side effects I experience is severe eczema in my scalp and nowhere else. Has anybody experienced this condition?
I have been on Eliquis 5 mg for approx 2 years. Upon discovering this site just yesterday I realize that many of my problems are the side effects mentioned here. However, the one that stands out is the exema in the scalp! I thought it was just dermatitis, dandruff or whatever causing the itching and build up on the scalp, but now realize it is very likely the Eliquis as it started about the same time. I have also been experiencing vertigo for over 3 months. Drs. have not diagnosed, but they all know I take Eliquis and have said nothing. Time to refill prescription, but not sure what my alternative is as my cardiologist insists I continue with it or Xarelto, which I cannot tolerate.
Generally people get side effects right away. It would beat laying in the hospital on holiday, because you got a clot.
Can you get any side effects as quickly as 3 days?
Related topics
Further information
- Eliquis uses and safety info
- Eliquis prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Eliquis (detailed)
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