I recently heard that Ibuprofen should not be taken with high blood pressure meds.
Does Ibuprofen interact with Metoprolol?
Question posted by Tilly77Bee on 11 July 2011
Last updated on 12 July 2011 by meyati
All non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, including ibuprofen, should be used cautiously in patients with high blood pressure.
They cause sodium and water retention in the kidneys which results in an increase in blood pressure. This effect is dose related.
Talk with your doctor - occasional use, or at a reduced dose, may be ok depending on the severity of your hypertension, age health etc.
This also could cause kidney damage. The kidneys filter our blood and removes toxins. The kidney sees medicines as toxins, so this combination that targets kidneys, would doublely affect the kidneys. High blood pressure damages kidneys-so #1-high blood pressure damages kidneys. #2-this med when mixed with Ibuprofin targets the kidneys. #3- The damage done by Ibuprofin makes the blood pressure worse.
Talk to your doctor-If you've been using this for awhile, Get lab work that shows the amount of kidney toxins in your blood work.
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high blood pressure, ibuprofen, metoprolol
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